
Zoho Survey – A Definitive Settlement to Fine Tune Customer Satisfaction

In this highly competitive world, the aspect of customer experience is gaining ground in each digital business. To provide customized solutions to customers that align well with their interests and expectations, it is crucial to gather feedback from customers that ultimately contributes to the system improvement. Zoho Survey is a one-stop solution for businesses to create different types of surveys to introduce betterment in the business processes.

Surveys strongly convey the message and hard opinions of people. The data tends to describe the behavior of the audience that can be employed to make effective decisions. Businesses can design surveys to get feedback from their clients and find out the room for improvement. To make individual decisions, surveys play a key role that ultimately accelerates the business performance and is always up to provide customers what they want.

What is Zoho Survey?

Zoho Survey is a survey-builder app that is part of the Zoho family and allows you to create different types of surveys to collect feedback from the audience. From, market research to customer satisfaction and employee evaluation to net promoter score, Zoho Survey provides a wide range of survey building options.

For instance, in the customer service survey designed by some businesses, the collected data shows whether the customer is happy or angry and if angry is he/she is filing a complaint that is common or unique from all others. Surveys thus help gauge the intensity, views, experiences, and expectations of customers.

Features of Zoho Survey

Below are some features and capabilities of the Zoho Survey.


Creating Surveys

Zoho Survey allows you to create the customized surveys very quickly and easily.

  • Question Types: There are more than 25 different question types that Zoho Survey supports and the participants’ response will also be in the desired format.
  • Skip Logic: The pages and questions could appear only if certain questions are answered. This eliminates the manual yet traditional form filling.
  • Multi-lingual Surveys: Zoho Survey supports surveys in six different languages which include Spanish, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Chinese, and German.
  • Custom variables: The data reports could be monitored efficiently by selecting the custom variables against the information you need.
  • Templates: Zoho Survey provides 200+ templates for surveys. You can also customize/edit the template to align them according to your needs.
  • Drag-and-drop Questions: The intuitive interface makes it easy for the user to create surveys.
  • Scoring: You can assign a score with the attributes used in the survey that help you define the performance of an organization.


Zoho Survey allows you to personalize the survey and customize it to represent your own style. Its functions include:

  • Piping: Piping helps you edit the wording against the follow-up questing defending upon the response submitted by a participant.
  • Auto-fill: It allows your respondent to auto-fill the information and spend less time over the data you know already. This feature works mostly with the other business software or service of Zoho integrated with Zoho Survey.
  • Customizable themes: The themes of the Zoho Survey can be customized to tailor them according to your needs.
  • Custom end page: You can customize the end page when the respondent has finished the survey. For instance, it could be a thank you page.
  • Logo upload: You can change the color, header, navigation to align them with the color your brand represents.
  • White-labelling: You can configure the live URL of your survey and can also publish it by using your own domain.

Read: Zoho Recruit – Formulate Strategies for Digital Recruitment


Zoho Survey helps you connect the apps and extend them to multiply the functionality. Multiple applications can be integrated that ultimately help collect the data from multiple sources. Zoho Survey allows integration with the following:

  • Webhooks
  • Zoho CRM
  • Zoho Campaigns
  • Zoho Flow
  • Zoho Sheet
  • Zoho SalesIQ
  • Zoho Analytics
  • Zoho Commerce
  • Google Sheets
  • Slack
  • Tableau
  • MailChimp
  • Eventbrite
  • Zendesk
  • Shopify

Sending Surveys

Reaching out to the target audience is the real thing. Zoho Survey makes the process seamless by giving multiple survey sharing and sending options. For instance, the survey could be sent to the audience through

  • Email campaigns
  • Web-links
  • Social media channels
  • Private group access
  • Custom domain links
  • QR codes

Collecting Responses

The more the participants would be, the better would be the data. It is therefore important to reach out to a massive audience and deduce results based on extensive and enrich data. For this purpose, Zoho Survey allows you to collect the data

  • Offline
  • By embedding a link in websites
  • Sending emails to the audience
  • Buy responses

Also Read: Work Smart, Grow Fast – Reasons to Upgrade to Zoho One

Analyzing Reports

The data analysis reports could be generated by the Zoho Survey that helps determine the nature and intensity of responses in the graphical form. It helps make smart business decisions by interpreting the performance attributes. Analytics reports by Zoho Survey provide the following:

  • Trend reports
  • Real-time reports
  • Scheduled reports
  • Shared reports
  • Custom reports
  • Filtered responses
  • Cross-tab reports
  • Multiple export formats 


Zoho Survey makes sure that all the responses and information collected from surveys are highly confidential and secure from any unauthorized access. All the surveys are highly protected by:

  • SSL certification
  • User authentication
  • Multiple response prevention


With Zoho Survey, you can ensure seamless collaboration and communication with the partners and the reviewers. You can

  • Share surveys
  • Share reports
  • Invite interviewers
  • Transfer surveys

Zoho Survey thus provides enhanced capabilities with an option to get integrated with other useful apps and tools. It helps gauge the valuable data that can ultimately contribute to enhanced customer satisfaction. We at Techloyce provide complete assistance with the integration of Zoho Survey to your system and help you automatically run surveys to draw meaningful data for your business performance.