
Zoho SalesInbox Email Client for Sales

What is Zoho SalesInbox? Very First Email Client for Sales!

It uses customer data from the Zoho CRM or Salesforce to organize automatically emails according to priority. This organization allows salespeople to focus on and prioritize critical customer as well as deal-related communications, says the company. It smoothly works with Microsoft Exchange, Gmail, Zoho & Yahoo Mail and other several email hosting services.


This Product includes:

Hands-free email organization and prioritization – The SalesInbox utilizes a multi-column layout to arrange incoming emails based on information automatically stored in the user’s CRM account. With this, the salespeople can quickly spot messages that require immediate attention. It also allows people to sort emails by many criteria, including associated customer value and lead source.

The complete context in every email – The Salespeople can also view a timeline of their previous conversations with an individual contact to see the size of their past and current deals, missed calls, overdue tasks, social media mentions, support tickets and other related information.

CRM updates right from the inbox now instead of logging into the CRM, the salespeople can take a customer- as well as sales-related to the actions right from the inbox. The salesperson can quickly drag and drop email from one to another column.

Reminders & Response Watch – Salespeople can set their time limit by which they can expect to hear back from clients. The salesInbox check all incoming email by using the feature of Response Watch. On the other side, if it doesn’t find out a reply during the specified time period then it will let the users know to help them in follow up.

Mobile client integration – The users of Zoho CRM can configure SalesInbox on their Android and iOS devices as well as can map it to all famous email services, including Outlook, Mail, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail.

Great email feedback by integrating with it, now users can receive reports on how their sent emails are working. Furthermore, they can also see the statistics about which email templates will perform best as well as receive detailed metrics on how much emails have been clicked, opened or read.

SalesInbox is currently available for free for Zoho CRM Enterprise subscribers as well as $15 month/per user for Salesforce users.

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