
Zoho Partners & Consultants In Canada

Zoho Partners in Canada show why connecting Zoho and Magento matters

In a world of automation and integrations, Zoho CRM stands out with its ability to connect many functions of running a business. This gives the owner more time to focus on activities which help to run the company. However, you will come across instances where there are gaps between the software in use and the CRM suite of applications.  Zoho Consultants in Canada demonstrate how Magento Integration for Zoho is a perfect example. Some of the benefits that emerge from such an integration are: syncing products, syncing inventory, syncing customers with accounts or contacts, orders and shipments.

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How Order Management is Made Easier

This integration was designed to give business owners greater autonomy and tools which improve their daily operations. When inventory and products are streamlined, improvement is observed in terms of increased sales and better delivery time responses. This integration will further enable the sales team to sell more accurately and generate updated inventory. When this happens you won’t have to manually inform the entire team about the changes made in the product listings. Updates will be done automatically and the whole team will be on the same page.

Here are the most common use cases of the Magento integration:

  1. Magento + Zoho CRM (Sales+Operations)

A business may face many challenging moments when Zoho CRM and Magento fail to communicate properly giving way for many unforeseen errors. When a direct connection between the two is established as shown by Zoho Consultants Canada, you don’t have to take multiple steps to sync the required information. This integration fills the gap that emerges, otherwise. Data integration is done using Magento for fulfillment while tapping into useful Zoho applications such as Zoho Desk and Zoho Projects.

  1. Sales + Magento (Sales)

Companies that don’t organize their activities around Zoho CRM, make use of the traditional sales team equipped with Magento. This gives rise to many unnecessary steps which could have been avoided otherwise. You will gather the data from the sales team through Magento and then migrate all of it into Zoho CRM. By integrating the two, those extra manual steps have been eliminated and all three processes are working in harmony.

  1. Zoho + Magento + QuickBooks (Finance Department)

This is a fairly popular arrangement which the companies make use of. The process follows in the given steps: first the orders are processed in Magento, then approved in Zoho and financial details are then synced through QuickBooks. This integration helps to save valuable time and effort of your finance department when the customer data is not manually entered into QuickBooks.

  1. Executive Team Benefits

The CEO of a small business will benefit immensely from Magento Integration when they will have access to the crucial details of the business process. As shown by Zoho partners Canada, the executive team doesn’t have the time and luxury of going through all the details. Would it not be beneficial if the logistics and data was provided in real time? This will also help to pinpoint exactly where the problem existed and hence rectifying a delay in shipping will also become easier.