
Zoho CRM Offering One-Stop Solutions to Travel Industry

The travelling industry is very huge and in the recent past the declining rates of tickets, accommodations, and food items across the globe have nudged people to just plan and begun the journey. But, when it comes to travel agencies, the decreasing prices are the outcome of business decelerations out of the declining market, growing competition, and limited resource crunches.

To plan a single trip, the travelling agent has to go through many hopes and loops for booking. In addition to this, back and forth communication and confirmation with the client make the manual trip planning a difficult venter.

After interacting with clients and providing dozens of Zoho CRM customization, we have crafted this piece with the sole intent of addressing key problems faced by the travelling industry, and solutions in the form of customizing Zoho CRM that resolves the key issues such as customer management, competitive marketing, etc. of the travelling industry.

In this article, we have also listed some of the essential Zoho Products that may provide holistic support to travel agencies when integrated with Zoho CRM. Techloyce offers a range of ready-made integration solutions for Zoho CRM that makes the deployment of Zoho CRM smooth.

Let begin with the problem that travel agencies had to face on regular basis.

Frequent Problems Faced by The Travel Agencies

1. Travelling Package Promotion, Campaign Hosting, & Management

The most important thing for the travelling agency is to keep track and proactively revive the advertising plan for every travel package’s marketing. In this initiative, the first hurdle faced by the travelling agency is to offer the customer what needs, in a way that encourages clients to come again and again. Unfortunately, traditional bookkeeping cannot help a travelling business, especially when they had to weigh the success in terms of profit a package or travel plan has made for the company in a 12-month duration.

In addition to selecting the package, the next hurdle faced by the travelling agency is designing a campaign and hosting it. Since travel agencies have access to sensitive information on customers, they seldomly use these resources to create effective inbound marketing campaigns for social media platforms and emails. Therefore, the campaign created by the agency based on basic statistics seizes to resonate with the traveller on a personal level.

2. Customer service

The travelling business is all about customer relations, clear communication, and the process of making travel either within the country or outside easier for the customer. And, the whole process is started when the customer drops a message either on the social media account or reached the travelling agency through email. Hence for travel agencies, the next hurdle is to track lead, nurture it by providing timely support, and by answering questions ASAP.

3. Tracking Contact Details and Lead Nurturing

In today’s world, technology has created many possibilities for every industry. The best thing about this technology revolution is it offers comprehensive support to the travelling sector in a way that it directly links clients with the agency through social media.

However, today social media landscape knows no boundaries. It creates hurdles for travelling agencies with limited resources and making lead tracking and nurturing in the digital world a job of blood and sweat. These complexities of the digital and social media realms can be managed with appropriate digital tools.

4. Quotes & Invoices Creation, Tracking and Status Updating

Another thing that makes customer retention difficult is ‘branding.’ What do you think motivates people to buy travel packages again and again from one travelling agency? The one-word answer is ‘experience.’ Unlike in the past, people need personalized services from a piece of paper to travel accommodation to food, everything should match their needs.

And for travel agencies, the customization of quotes is the first step. The shocking news is many travelling agencies are either not ready or not prepared to take on with the digital revolution. Therefore, many travel agency owners cite the problem with a jumbled-up record of sent quotes with approved invoices and efforts required for manually updating the status. This leads to miscommunication.

5. Communication With Vendors and Voucher Creation For Clients

Operating a travel agency means continuous communication with vendors from the accommodation of guests to food. It further includes hotel booking, along with particular food instructions and vehicle reservations for intercity travel. In all of this, a single miscommunication can out your guests in a problem, especially on foreign ground. Hence, unclear communication is categorized as the next hurdle faced by the travelling sector.

6. Fixed Departure Management and Follow-Up

The last problem cited by the travelling agencies is the management of fixed departure. This includes last-minute follow-up from guests to the vendor about the availability and booking confirmation to create a confirmed voucher. For quick CRM implementation and Zoho CRM integration contact certified Zoho Partners.

How Does Techloyce Offer Custom CRM Solutions?

At Techloyce, we are often asked about the specific CRM features that can be customized to resolve above stated issues. Here is a list of possible Zoho CRM integrations:

1. Zoho Sales IQ

It offers digital tools for customer engagements that aim to assist clients at every phase of the customer cycle. Zoho Sale IQ not only offers message customization features but also offers inbound marketing personalization that automatically synchs data, records lead information and creates tasks by using AI.

Read More On Give Wings to Your Business With Zoho Analytics & BI

2. Zoho Campaign

For the problems like social media data synching to Zoho CRM for campaigns or PPC optimization, Zoho Campaign offers virtually everything. And, the noteworthy thing that Zoho Campaign offers is the drag-and-drop feature and dozens of pre-built templates that make email, massage, and communication customization a few keystrokes away.  In addition to this, it offers A/B testing that helps the campaign designer to create content that resonates with the traveller and offers contextual services.

3. Zoho Booking

The next integration that we offered to Travel agency clients in the integration of Zoho Booking. Why? Because it automatically schedules booking and synch the information with the calendar. Simultaneously reduce the need for back-and-forth email for confirmation.

4. Zoho Zia

And, to offer comprehensive service support to the clients, the Zoho CRM travelling agency edition includes Zoho Zia integration as well. It is an AI-powered customer support module that leverages past data on customers to identify the phase and pattern in the customer’s journey. Furthermore, the travelling agency can deploy an AI chatbot that offers contextual support to every visit and automatically recommend the best travelling plane along with quotes instantly.

Further Read: Zoho Zia – AI-driven Sales Assistant for Your Business

Integration With Techloyce’s Prebuild Products

In addition to this, we also offer pre-build CRM integrations with Adobe, Gmail, and RingCentral. All of these prebuild integration are designed to further enhance the productivity of Zoho CRM by making the document approval process simpler and smooth communication via email, calls, and messages.

For further information about Zoho CRM integration and Zoho consulting service contact Techloyce. We are certified Zoho Partners, specialize in providing customize Zoho CRM solutions to travel industries.