
What Makes Odoo the Best ERP Solution in 2021

The modes of doing business have evolved within the last few decades. Companies used to perform many jobs manually that today you cannot think of performing without automation. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is one of the platforms that played role in automation and improvement of the business processes efficiency. Most of the companies, from medium-sized to large enterprises sooner or later want to adopt ERP software. However, there is no standard indicator to tell the right time when a company should adopt ERP. It completely depends on the business needs.

That ERP is considered to be the best which fulfils business requirements. In 2021, Odoo has become the choice of the business community and many other organizations because of its scalability and flexibility. Proficient Odoo consultants recommend Odoo for its following features:

On-Cloud & On-Premise Versions

Whether it is an on-cloud Odoo version or the on-premise one, both have their unique features. The On-cloud Odoo version is an online SaaS platform. Given below are the features that will help you in understanding the perks of choosing cloud-based Odoo ERP:

  • You can avoid extra investment that would otherwise be needed for hardware.
  • The cloud-based Odoo offers data security and you will not need any other security tools.
  • The flexibility and scalability of this ERP system are satisfactory and you can deploy it easily.
  • You will need less time to implement cloud-based Odoo.
  • Cloud-based Odoo ERP is also helping organizations in making policies for remote working.

On-premise is the Odoo version that will require the user to install and deploy complete software. Though most companies prefer an online system, some organizations demand an on-premise Odoo ERP. Following are the features of the on-premise version of Odoo:

  • Data security is in the hands of the organization. Instead of cloud, the data is located on the hardware of the organization.
  • The implementation can take time but provides more control, ultimately, reaps the benefits for the organization.
  • The initial investment can be higher because you need to invest to get the required hardware. However, it is a one-time investment.

On-cloud and on-premise, both types of Odoo ERPs are effectively serving the needs of many organizations. Analyse the nature of your business and select Odoo ERP to streamline things.

Read Also: How Odoo Subscription Management Gives Wing to Recurring Billing Model

Effective Customer Interaction

The most popular Odoo ERP application is the Odoo CRM. It is appreciated by the users because it provides control over sales, marketing, and customer services, etc. Odoo CRM provides a 360 overview of customers and this in-depth insight enables them to understand customer behaviour in a better way.  Some of the important details about the customer that your Odoo CRM can store and manage include:

  • Profile of the customer that he created to get the services.
  • Purchase history of the customer
  • Marketing promotions
  • General demographics

Such customer details can improve interactions with the customer.

With Odoo CRM, sales and marketing teams can have a track of the whole journey that a customer covers. This customer data will assist them in analyzing different indicators e.g. customer retention rate. Also, the sales team can use analysis-based customer data to improve sales policies.

Odoo Integrations

Even if you have installed Odoo ERP, there will be some applications without which you cannot run the business. So, you can either use Odoo as standalone software or integrate it with other applications depending on the requirements of your organization. Integration of different applications with Odoo ERP is common. It increases the efficiency of certain operations and the productivity of your business.

The modular architecture of Odoo is highly customizable. For instance, if your business expands and your needs increase, you can install other modules as and when required. In this way, there remains a single platform and you keep adding module as well as other third-party applications. It makes Odoo ERP and Odoo CRM integrations a cost-effective solution as well. SMEs prefer using Odoo for it offers modules that are sufficient to fulfil their needs. Odoo ERP is a one-stop solution capable of performing multiple functions.

Read: Some Useful Odoo Integrations to Streamline the Workflow of Startups and SMBs

Easy Availability

Odoo is available in two version—Enterprise and Community. Enterprise is a licensed version, whereas the community version of Odoo is open-source that can be downloaded from the internet. Start-up businesses and small-sized organizations find it easy to use. They can customize the ERP software according to their requirements which saves the cost in the long run. With the advent of Odoo, SMEs got another practical option.

Other than the affordable cost, the Odoo is preferred for it is customizable. It opens up more options for Odoo developers. Today, they can utilize the platform of Odoo to develop many applications that are easy to integrate with Odoo ERP.

Odoo is indeed one of the easiest business management software having many applications to cater to the needs of different organizations. If you are confused about adopting Odoo ERP for your business, Techloyce has a team of consultants to provide step by step guidance regarding Odoo ERP.

Get in touch with them and explore new options for your business. In 2021, it is high time to avoid using different applications to run your business because ERPs are meant to facilitate you with a single platform. Only experts can help you in using the power of an ERP for the benefit of your business.