
Top 12 Integrations to Increase Productivity

We’ve heard, “Work Smart, Not Hard”.

With sky-rising expectations and demands from the digital space, businesses must take the approach that gives wings to the business. Today, innovations and cutting-edge business solutions have replaced humans. Instead of manually performing each task, automatic execution can be done that consumes less effort and time. The cumbersome processes that usually take hours and days to come to conclusion can now be completed in minutes and seconds. High-end tools and apps are designed specifically to meet the needs of the business. A wide range of options is available for businesses for project management tools. The system can be fully automated with by integrating the useful apps that actually curb the excessive work and streamline the workflow of the entire organization. is a project management software that itself provides an array of functions and capabilities to businesses. It automates certain system modules and helps businesses streamline the processes of task and data management, human resource management, software development, marketing automation, etc. Taking into consideration the business requirements, the apps and tools can be integrated that help you increase productivity, business revenue, and efficiency in the operational infrastructure.

Like many other collaboration tools, gets integrated with applications that are commonly used by businesses in daily activities to optimize the workflow and increase business revenue.

Read: What is Features, Modules, and Use-Cases for Businesses Integrations

Below are some top integrations for


1. Zendesk integration with Zendesk helps to strengthen the module of customer support. When it comes to engineering the tickets and tasks, it is crucial to take into consideration the user feedbacks such that it could be employed for the transformation of products through useful insights. Moreover, it allows the users to create tickets for the support team using Instead of switching in between the two software to manage tickets, integration with Zendesk services the purpose seamlessly.

2. Trello

Trello is a project management and list-making application that in integration with helps companies manage the tasks and the overall project in an efficient manner. Trello cards can be updated against each project or its sub-module. Integration of Trello and saves a lot of time and helps project managers track the progress of the project and employees effectively.

3. Shopify

For businesses that sell products online can take advantage of the integration of Shopify and It makes order and progress tracking easy for businesses. Shopify keeps track of order processing, shipment, and delivery that ultimately reduces the need for manual identification. It also alerts the team to identify the stocks that are limited and have low inventory. In this way, timely restock could be done and workflow could be streamlined.

4. Mailchimp

When it comes to campaign management, Mailchimp is a highly useful tool for businesses to grow. and Mailchimp integration helps businesses track each campaign effectively to see the results it produces and predict the revenue accordingly. integration with Mailchimp eliminates the need for businesses to switch between systems and manually add all the details to keep everything updated and totally consolidated in one place.

5. Eventbrite allows businesses to have quick access to each event automatically without putting in any manual effort. It helps sync the changes effectively and increase business productivity by tracking every event in real-time and schedule them accordingly. A systematic approach leads businesses to success. It enhances customer satisfaction and streamlines the workflow of an organization.

6. Pipedrive offers a wide range of integration options for businesses. Integrated with Pipedrive, provides enhanced capabilities to businesses. From collaboration to automation, Pipedrive integration with helps save time for manual operations and keeps track of all the processes in a highly managed way. Pipedrive is a sales management platform that offers a wide range of features. These include:

  • Deals management
  • Leads management
  • Tracking and monitoring
  • Sale funnel management
  • Real-time reporting
  • Visual analytics

All these modules contribute to enhanced efficiency in business operations. From data processing to sales automation, integration with Pipedrive turns out to be a highly productive integration that automates all the modules and sub-modules of a system in a highly efficient manner.

7. Salesforce

Salesforce is a powerful integration that plays a central role in streamlining customer relationships. From the customization of various fields such as leads and deals, enhanced the features of a system in integration with Salesforce. Highly meaningful insights into business performance help businesses predict the progress and revenue to be generated in the next 6 months or a year. Moreover, it allows businesses to identify the opportunities and potential leads and onboard them, according to their interests. Collaboration is a core requirement for any business to grow. It contributes to optimizing the regular processes and track the budget in such a way that the sales pipeline could be optimized effectively.

8. HubSpot integration with HubSpot streamlines the planning, monitoring, and tracking of tasks. It has the capacity to manage teamwork in a remote environment without any redundancy and incontinency in regular business operations. HubSpot integration with ensures a strategy-based system that optimizes the performance and progress of an organization. For instance, the integration takes the responsibility for optimizing the process of software development, marketing, and designing. It eliminates the need for manually checking and tracking each field and its values. Instead, automates the entire module without affecting the performance of others. A consolidated interface makes it easy for an organization to get an overview of the system without spending much time. The effort and time thus can be made in other high-priority tasks that need your attention.

9. Twilio

The changing interests and demands in the digital world require innovative solutions that cope up with the requirements of customers and businesses simultaneously. Twilio serves the purpose of updating the managers, freelancers, and clients through SMS. a highly connected and collaborative environment can be built by optimizing the communication with each other. Any update regarding projects can be delivered to the customers to ensure that the order is shipped or delivered. Twilio and give a complete package for enhanced internal communication.

10. Asana

Asana integration with allows teams to automate the tasks and projects. Instead of copy-pasting the tasks into manually, the integration automates the process without consuming additional effort and time. Thus, it enhances productivity and the resources could be utilized effectively.

11. Zoom

Zoom serves as an online communication platform that in the integration with helps businesses ensure enhanced business communication. With zoom, businesses can schedule meetings anytime and helps gather information from team members and make effective decisions. Especially, in the remote working environment, businesses can employ zoom meeting features to get updated regarding the progress and development of the project. Not only among the team, but zoom integration with helps you align meetings with your clients. This helps ensure customer satisfaction and retain them for a longer period of time.

12. Dropbox

The integration of and Dropbox helps businesses manage the tasks and ensure efficient content management. The attachments from Dropbox can be added to to consolidate them in one place and update the tasks accordingly in both the software. Businesses can make comments on the Dropbox documents so that everyone in the team could be aware of the update made in the project management tool.

To sum up, a wide range of integrations can actually make a difference to your business productivity. Choose the ones that suit your business model. Techloyce would help you understand the requirements of your businesses and choose the most helpful yet productive integration. Build yourself with innovation!

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