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5 Awesome Ways to Increase Sales

5 Awesome Ways to Increase Sales

The ultimate goal of businesses is to boost sales. Even if it is a startup or a developed business entity, the strategies to increase sales are common. The purpose of business growth requires the active involvement of innovative ideas and...

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Post COVID Measure for Small Businesses to Retain Customers

Post COVID Measure for Small Businesses to Retain Customers

The COVID-19 outbreak has made all-sized businesses concerned about customer optimism. The sudden economic downturn arose challenges for the business entities to survive successfully. One of the major challenges was customer retention. The COVID crises put customer loyalty and trust...

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The Impact of Technology on Existing CRM Solutions

The Impact of Technology on Existing CRM Solutions

Customer Relationship Management or CRM can be defined as a firm’s approach to analyzing customer behavior through meaningful insights in order to improve customer retention, profitability, and loyalty. Considering the technological perspective of CRM, with the advent of time, major...

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5 Key Impacts of CRM Integration on Sales and Revenue

5 Key Impacts of CRM Integration on Sales and Revenue

The businesses are revolutionizing in the digital space with a simultaneous adoption of innovative solutions and strategies. Business owners and executives are vigilant in investing in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to get a 360-degree view of activities and...

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Ways How HubSpot Management Tool Give Wings to Business Growth

Ways How HubSpot Management Tool Give Wings to Business Growth

The transformation of business structure has now become indispensable. The reason being the increasing competition in the digital market which calls out to adopt initiatives vigilant to ensure rapid business success. Moreover, a simultaneous approach towards meeting the targets and...

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Revive Your Brand and Revenue Stream Using Marketing Automation Platforms—Our Top 3 Picks for 2020-2021

Revive Your Brand and Revenue Stream Using Marketing Automation Platforms—Our Top 3 Picks for 2020-2021

Today, marketing is the most important factor in every sort of business decision-making. Regardless of the size of the company or the vertical of the industry, marketing plays the dominant role in directing businesses to include or exclude values, features,...

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The role of Pipedrive CRM in managing the Workflow of News Organization

The role of Pipedrive CRM in managing the Workflow of News Organization

Management of deals, sales, and customers is an essential task for any-sized business. Mitigating the overhead of time and work-intensive activities, the need however is to shape the working environment totally hassle-free. The initiatives can help introduce efficiency in the...

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Reasons Why Zoho Certified Software Support Is a Must in your Business

Reasons Why Zoho Certified Software Support Is a Must in your Business

The owners of small businesses, startups, and even medium-sized enterprises face a wide range of challenges when it comes to managing the whole operational infrastructure of an organization. For example, lack of technical expertise, insufficient resources, balancing the budget and...

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SugarCRM procuring Node to Accelerate AI-based Predictive Customer Intelligence

SugarCRM procuring Node to Accelerate AI-based Predictive Customer Intelligence

SugarCRM, a vast customer relationship management system announced the acquisition of Node on August 24, 2020. Node is an AI as-a-service platform that helps ensure predictive insights about business formative attributes. The adoption of the Node platform however contributes to...

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Why Small and Medium Enterprises Should Use Odoo to Trend in Digital Age

Why Small and Medium Enterprises Should Use Odoo to Trend in Digital Age

Whether it is a small or medium-sized enterprise, convenient workflow management is considered an important factor within an organization. However, with the advent of technological innovations, the landscape of data management can be seen as fully automated and advanced. With...

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Simple Steps to Boost up Business Communications with VoIP

Simple Steps to Boost up Business Communications with VoIP

Effective communication is a crucial factor that contributes to the success and prosperity of business. Communication corresponds to building a strong path to convey messages to users, partners, suppliers as well as among the colleagues. Given, consumers should have an...

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5 Ways How Marketing Automation Tools can Improve Customer Retention

5 Ways How Marketing Automation Tools can Improve Customer Retention

Customer retention, an indispensable attribute in business growth. According to statistics, a 5% increase in overall customer retention boosts up the business profit from 25% to 95%. About 86% of customers are more likely to buy products/services from a company...

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5 Top Benefits of eCommerce to your Businesses

5 Top Benefits of eCommerce to your Businesses

The very first perspective to look into the benefits of e-commerce is from the eyes of end-users. A significant increase in e-commerce mobile sales is seen in a very less period of time. eCommerce sales are calculated to account for...

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Build Custom Applications with Zoho Creator

Build Custom Applications with Zoho Creator

For business management solutions, Zoho Creator is the perfect choice when it comes to growing the business. It incorporates a range of tools and functionalities that any business entity requires to stay a step ahead in the innovative world. Whether...

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Amazon Web Services – All you need to know…

Amazon Web Services – All you need to know…

What is AWS? Amazon Web Services or AWS is an evolving cloud computing platform that offers scalable, reliable, cost-effective, and flexible cloud computing solutions. AWS, provided by Amazon presents packages in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure...

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ERP Software for Automotive Industry

ERP Software for Automotive Industry

The leading technological world now demands a workflow management system that aligns as per the organizational objectives. For instance, it is important for an organization to simultaneously take into consideration a range of aspects that could maintain a balance between...

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What are the Advantages of CRM for your Business?

What are the Advantages of CRM for your Business?

Your ‘Customers’ decide success. No matter what products you offer, what services you are providing, how much top technologies you are employing, or what is your long-term objective. Something that matters the most in deciding business success is your clientele-base....

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Explore the Benefits of ERP in Healthcare and this how you can optimize your Business Processes for Better Healthcare with Techloyce

Explore the Benefits of ERP in Healthcare and this how you can optimize your Business Processes for Better Healthcare with Techloyce

Over the years, ERP software for healthcare industry has gained more and more popularity which has allowed medical facilities to evolve and offer better medical care. Techloyce, as a professional team of ERP consultants, has helped healthcare services to explore...

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The role of Zoho CRM in Workflow Automation and Ensure Influential Business Performance

Whether you are a small or large-sized enterprise, in this high rivalry world only technology can ensure relative merits in the market. For seamless workflow management, Zoho CRM is the platform that automates task management and open doors to business...

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Key Steps to Choose the Right CRM for your Business

There are a variety of aspects to consider when it comes to building a personalized Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Although, the market is full of CRM software and high-end technologies from where a business can choose for its own...

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Inbound Marketing for Small Businesses

Inbound marketing is a highly effective way to boost up the traffic of small businesses and customer conversion rates. The term ‘inbound marketing’ is circulating the world of marketing from years giving insights to the goal of generating a higher...

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