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Project Management Services – An Overview to the Process and Components

Project Management Services – An Overview to the Process and Components

Project management services today have become a crucial part of any organization. They tend to accelerate the performance and productivity of a company by rationalizing all the processes and sub-processes involved in a project. Project management services specialize in optimally...

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5 Reasons to Implement SugarCRM

5 Reasons to Implement SugarCRM

CRM implementation and deployment in every industrial sector is influenced by a number of factors. Businesses paving the way to faster growth and high business revenue are looking for well-structured solutions that employ innovation and meet the actual targets of...

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Work Smart, Grow Fast – Reasons to Upgrade to Zoho One

Work Smart, Grow Fast – Reasons to Upgrade to Zoho One

Zoho One - an outstanding business software that is leading businesses to pave the road for success. The accelerating digital market demands well-planned system infrastructure to provide a personalized customer experience. To gain ground in the relevant field, customer loyalty...

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Zoho Recruit – Formulate Strategies for Digital Recruitment

Zoho Recruit – Formulate Strategies for Digital Recruitment

The digital world is revolutionizing with high-end technical solutions that make regular processes highly convenient. Digital recruitment similarly is gaining ground in the organizations to ensure a strategy-based approach that yields faster and better hiring. While hiring for an organization,...

Read More – A Top-notch Project Management Tool for Successful Production – A Top-notch Project Management Tool for Successful Production

Planning is a primary step to pave the road to business success. Whether it is to achieve the enhanced profitability or manage both internal and external organizational operations, strong planning can help you seamlessly perform all the operations. With the...

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7 Customer Retention Strategies for your Business to Grow

7 Customer Retention Strategies for your Business to Grow

In this highly competitive digital space, a consistent yet smart approach is critically important for businesses to gain ground. Whether it is about the hard times or seamless business workflow management, the adoption of valuable customer retention strategies is very...

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Emerging Trends of ERP to Look Out For in 2021

Emerging Trends of ERP to Look Out For in 2021

For manufacturers, the year 2020 was extraordinarily intricate. The remote operations management introduced discrepancies in the ERP systems that were required to be mitigated to ensure smooth workflow management. From supply chain management to distribution organizations, companies faced several challenges...

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Some Useful CRM Statistics you Need to Know for 2021

Some Useful CRM Statistics you Need to Know for 2021

For sales success, some crucial aspects must be taken into consideration. A successful sale is possible by nurturing the relationship with customers and providing them a highly optimized customer experience throughout the user journey. CRM systems incorporate a comprehensive view...

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Utility Marketing 101—What Is It, Why Is It Important, and What Are Its Different Types?

Utility Marketing 101—What Is It, Why Is It Important, and What Are Its Different Types?

Earlier, marketing was all about making tall claims, brag about your product or services, or strive to make bigger impressions. Though things are different today than they were in yesteryears. It is a change in customer habits, purchasing preferences, and...

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2021 Business Management Resolutions for SMBs: Scale-wise Expectations, Opportunities, and Possibilities…

2021 Business Management Resolutions for SMBs: Scale-wise Expectations, Opportunities, and Possibilities…

With the excitement to enter the New Year, there is hope for endless opportunities and possibilities the year 2021 will bring. For every size of the business, resolutions must be designed that help you out stay motivated and consistent throughout...

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10 CRM Trends and Predictions to Watch Out For 2021

10 CRM Trends and Predictions to Watch Out For 2021

In the past few years, the CRM market has evolved far beyond the traditional trends and mere, a data management tool. The industry is altering dramatically with the penetration of high-end ideas that tend to play a dominant role in...

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Startup Growth 2020 – Factors, Challenges, and Solutions

Startup Growth 2020 – Factors, Challenges, and Solutions

The CRM market is not going to slow doing any soon. Today, it is considered one of the most growing markets in the world reaching a revenue of more than $80 billion by 2025. Among all, one of the key...

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Sales and Marketing Trends 2020: An Overview in the light of Advanced CRM Platforms

Sales and Marketing Trends 2020: An Overview in the light of Advanced CRM Platforms

Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, the world has witnessed a serious transformation with respect to the workplaces. The lockdown situation all over the world has a significant impact on the sales trends of many businesses. The “work-from-home” trend, on one hand,...

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Boost Up your Business Workflow with SugarCRM Implementation and Automation Capabilities

Boost Up your Business Workflow with SugarCRM Implementation and Automation Capabilities

CRM software is grooving into each industrial use-case to manage the workflow in a highly efficient way. In any organization, there exist some crucial modules based on which the success of a business is dependent. The foundation thus must be...

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Zoho Desk – A Feature-Complete Helpdesk and IT Support Solution

Zoho Desk – A Feature-Complete Helpdesk and IT Support Solution

Doesn’t matter if your business is small or a fully operationalized enterprise, customer expectations are always there. They demand rapid support which becomes complex when it comes to rationalize and provide even customer support to all the customers distributed across...

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5 Ways to Make the Most Out of a CRM

5 Ways to Make the Most Out of a CRM

Today, businesses of all sizes acknowledge the significance of CRM software. The potential businesses assure that they employ every advanced feature of the CRM system that can add value to their business. The high-end CRM platforms tend to incorporate a...

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A Detailed Insight to Odoo Implementation – Challenges, Methodology, Concepts & Phases

A Detailed Insight to Odoo Implementation – Challenges, Methodology, Concepts & Phases

Implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is one of the most crucial steps that define the success of a business. An appropriate, well-aligned, and functioning implementation of an ERP system streamlines the entire workflow of an organization in...

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SugarCRM Integrations – One Size Fits All Solution for SMBs

SugarCRM Integrations – One Size Fits All Solution for SMBs

The tendency, power, and aptitude of SugarCRM have extended its path to several companies and industries by providing them a customized yet scalable business solution. SugarCRM supports a wide range of third-party tools and app integrations for all sizes of...

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Zoho SalesIQ – Hitting the Nail on the Head

Zoho SalesIQ – Hitting the Nail on the Head

The performance of your system modules is something that accelerates customer support. Ultimately, excellent customer service contributes directly to brand image and business sales. The advent of digitization and shifting paradigm of innovation call out for stringent strategies that actually...

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A Definitive Guide: Business Process Analysis (BPA) and its Implementation

A Definitive Guide: Business Process Analysis (BPA) and its Implementation

If you are looking for the improvement of business processes or framework, the very first step is to identify that ‘how the system works’. To manipulate the operations, one must have knowledge of their dynamics. This is what we call...

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Organizing a Remote Sales Pipeline Review Meeting with Freshworks

Organizing a Remote Sales Pipeline Review Meeting with Freshworks

Sales Pipeline Review - in secular terms correspond to predictability or forecast. However, when it comes to considering it from the aspect of a professional salesperson, sales pipeline review plays a critical role in providing a result-oriented approach. A managed...

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