
SugarCRM Open Source Software Solutions In The Business Market

What is SugarCRM Open Source Software?

It is a Customer Relationship Open Source Management set that was spread in 2004, and since then SugarCRM, Inc. has continued to maintain and develop it. Its vendor is based in Cupertino California. It has designed to cover the main features of client management as well as the sales process. SugarCRM manages a vast list of functionalities that range from mass broadcasting and marketing to lead, by way of account and contact management, etc.WorldWide SugarCRM Partner & Consultant

The latest versions of SugarCRM have highlighted mobile CRM and the in the addition of a Social CRM dimension. Latest improvements have been made on the mobile interface, Calendar module, and its social connectors. SugarCRM is usually available in three major types:

  • Community edition (free, open source)
  • Enterprise edition (with additional functionalities)
  • SaaS edition (on demand)

SugarCRM open source Solutions

Exceptional New Approach to CRM

One not just buying CRM Products, but is investing in a complete solution package to address several critical business problems. The success cannot be determined by software alone, as success is a predicate on getting the proper mixture of people, technology, and processes together to achieve goals. SugarCRM provides many CRM solutions to manage industrial and organizational challenges. Such solutions combine adaptability, a vibrant ecosystem, and CRM expertise to control and solve all daunting business needs.

Relationship Analytics

Client relationships are a business’s most valuable asset, but the daily interaction between businesses and customers happens outside of their CRM application. The traditional CRM solutions often fail to owe to significant manual labor to document. Relationship Analytics for Sugar solution leads organizations to empower their most valuable feature – the Collective Relationship Network. Such solution surfaces previously untapped and hidden insights that are integrated into Sugar seamlessly.

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Customer Journey

However, meeting up with clients expectations are the most integral part of any business success. It requires businesses to conduct and define customer’s initial engagements in this rapidly changing environment. Such meetings take the form of client journeys ranging from micro like on boarding and accounts planning to the customer’s life routine. To manage such issues, SugarCRM provides solutions which can capture as well as can automate any journey with rules driven behaviors regardless of complexities and size. By managing such journeys accurately will enable you to keep a track on the sales playbook, drive growth as well as on increasing retention.

Customer Success

You can not define customer success by service metrics and internal sales, as it can be measured by the value of customer relationship. To keep the customer relationship strong, it is essential to adopt your customer’s perspective and also guidance to the client in achieving his/her goal. In this regard, SugarCRM solutions assist you in understanding your customer needs, so that you can optimize each customer engagement individually.

Financial Service

It is a fact that financial service industry is under great pressure to deliver personalized customer service in a progressively tech-savvy world where clients expect excellence. The need for improved service, changing client service patterns and transparency are revealing the financial service industry to strongly fines as the industry battles to meet up with customer requirement and control compliance as well as regulatory controls. With the help of SugarCRM, your financial service team can exceptionally deliver an enjoyable personal experience to each of your customers always.


In short, nowadays, it is quite difficult to manage your customers without using SugarCRM open source CRM software solutions, as it takes so much time to manage all the business related tasks manually.