
SugarCRM Analytics Tightening the Reins on Rational Decision Making

Sales – an ultimate objective for business growth is hidden today in the degree of innovation employed. Determining the need and nurturing the business framework promises the outcomes. Considering the rapid pace of breakthrough advances, the need of an hour is to come up with cutting-edge solutions that help businesses thrive in the market.

One crucial perspective or element is Customer Relationship Management (CRM). A smooth and strong relationship with customers is the key to increasing the potential clientele-base. CRM systems provide substantial benefits to small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) and enterprises. This is the reason that CRM systems have the fastest growing software market.

By 2025, the CRM market is expected to increased to $82 billion, growing at 12% per year

Generally, the purpose of CRM systems is to simplify and modernize the sales funnel by consolidating the client records to reach out to them through the comprehensive analysis of their interests. In an endeavor to increase sales, the taste of cutting-edge technologies is added in CRM systems in the form of AI-powered analytics and forecast reports.

Also Read: SugarCRM for Small Business – CRM Benefits for Startups

This article takes SugarCRM, one of the top CRM systems under the spotlight, and discusses its analytics feature in detail, how it benefits businesses and what is its scope.

SugarCRM Analytics – Hitting the Nail on the Head

AI-enabled analytics of SugarCRM has potential capabilities to pave the road to success for businesses. Through predictive analysis and meaningful insights, businesses can employ the strategies and techniques that could add to revenue in the long run. Below are some reasons that demonstrate the role of SugarCRM analytics in doing the groundwork for success.

Determine True Value of the Customer

SugarCRM helps a business to prioritize the contacts. Based on customer query, interests, information, and path, the customer value can be determined and that contact could be prioritized accordingly. SugarCRM analytics has the capability of capturing these essential points in order to dictate customer value to the system. Instead of manually verifying it, the analytics tools automatically extract these attributes and rank the customers.

Business analysts would just require to reach out to that customer by accessing details and interests. In this way, more sales could be closed, and the chances of customer acquisition increases. Moreover, the ratio of losing potential leads reduces.

Discover Optimal Marketing Campaigns

One of the rich features of SugarCRM analytics is to discover optimized marketing campaigns. There are certain factors involved in it. For instance, identifying the interests of people, mediums through which the customers could be the approach, the type of content to write when it comes to attracting customers, and many more. SugarCRM analytics has the capability of showing real-time results of certain marketing campaigns running in a particular area for a specific purpose. Determine which campaigns are generating more leads. Then, identify the reasons due to which customers find your ads interesting.

Based on customer needs, revamp those marketing campaigns. They could also be represented in different ways or based on the demographics as well. Audience-based marketing campaigns are more likely to get clicks and leads, ultimately boost up conversion rates. Similarly. Behavior-targeted campaigns are employed in which systems get to know which customer buys what product repeatedly. To them, relevant items can be shown that would increase the percentage of sales.

Enhanced Customer Loyalty

Advanced analytics when successfully deliver the elements of customer interest, it becomes easy to ensure customer loyalty. When a customer gets products or services of their choice, it is highly likely to make them the regular customer. The aspect of customer retention attains grip and ultimately contributes to enhanced customer loyalty.

Customer loyalty further gives wings to brand image and reputation in the competitor market. A firm foundation can be ensured that streamlines the way of success for the businesses.

Also Read: SugarCRM procuring Node to Accelerate AI-based Predictive Customer Intelligence

ROI Evaluation

ROI corresponds to “Return On Investment”. It is basically a performance measure that is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the investments. You are investing millions in marketing campaigns. They will be of no worth if conversions are not been done. This means that the return on investments is negative. SugarCRM analytics help you seamlessly determine the ROI.

Evaluation of ROI helps businesses in effective decision making. It helps identify the attributes in which investments are worthy and thus pause the ones that are not yielding much.

Audience Segmentation

Audience segmentation is a modernized way of doing marketing. The customers in different geographical areas have different interests and styles of living. If you are running an eCommerce website, this aspect is crucial to take into consideration. The needs, demands, and interests of customers should be aligned beforehand to approach them accordingly. Reaching out to the audience with items that are not suitable for their environment are less likely to get sold as compare to the ones that are specific to the customer needs.

SugarCRM streamlines the process of audience segmentation by giving useful insights through the sales graph and the area where items have more sale ratio. Similarly, it gives information about customer behavior towards certain things which ultimately accelerate business revenue.

Forecasted Revenue Reports

SugarCRM has advanced features of demonstrating the forecast report with respect to the revenue. Based on the sales, conversions, leads, investments, and similar attributes, the revenue is calculated beforehand. The useful information allows businesses to revamp the strategies or business model in such a way that sales could be increased. Similarly, these forecast reports give businesses a chance to improve their systematic errors that are increasing churn rate. Forecasted revenue reports in the digital space today hold significant importance. To get a competitive edge in the market, forecast revenue reports play a critical role in boosting up the sales ratio.

To sum up, SugarCRM analytics is designed to address the needs of businesses and give solutions to the challenges they are facing in this digital environment. If you are looking for SugarCRM integration, Techloyce is your partner on the way to success. Our certified consultants and developers would streamline the process of selection, integration, and implementation for you and provide you a highly customized solution that fits best according to your business requirements.