
The role of Pipedrive CRM in managing the Workflow of News Organization

Management of deals, sales, and customers is an essential task for any-sized business. Mitigating the overhead of time and work-intensive activities, the need however is to shape the working environment totally hassle-free. The initiatives can help introduce efficiency in the operational infrastructure of businesses as well as make processes error-free to a greater extent.

Taking into consideration the use-cases and workflow of the news organization, there are certain tasks that can be automated to increase business productivity. For instance, the following are the common workflow processes in a news organization.

  • Management of customer contacts
  • Customer service management
  • Tracking of customer communication
  • Performance evaluation of team
  • Management of editorial pipeline
  • Story production management
  • Editors data and update management
  • Story prioritization and publishing

Manual management of the tasks increases the chances of errors and make things overwhelming in a news organization. To curb these, Pipedrive CRM helps news businesses revamp the business operational framework by automating a range of daily tasks in a highly efficient manner. Here, well-developed structures covering every single attribute required in news organizations are designed in such a way that they align as per the requirements of the business.

Richland Source is an Ohio-based online news organization that adopted the workflow management system by Pipedrive to smoothly control the communication and process management. The organization has remodelled the way it uses to operate and introduced the Pipedrive CRM system into each module for better results, high productivity, and streamlined collaboration.

  • Problems News Organization Encounter

There are several daily tasks that news organizations used to manage through local methods. They used to write everything locally using various spreadsheets, documents, and calendar tools. There does not exist any concept of AP wire stuff that can actually make everything automated and highly manageable. From sales to invoicing and editing to publishing, all tasks are manual that delivers low-quality results.

The following are some problems that news organizations face in managing workflow:

  • Manual tracking the news status, assignment, editing, and publishing.
  • Inefficient leads and sales tracking, and pipeline management
  • Inept management of story leads
  • Editorial data management among the team
  • Decentralized view of data scattered over various spreadsheets
  • Invoice management
  • Ad-hoc task prioritization that affects performance
  • Ineffectual team management to assign tasks to team members
  • No confined way of managing reporters, editors, sub-editors, and archives
  • Manual news subscription management for clients and end-users
  • Staggering sales campaign management
  • Improper tracking of subscriptions, renew free trials, and tier management
  • Incompetent digital media management
  • Disorganized events management

In the online news organization management, there are several challenges that need to be taken into account in order to grow and enhance productivity. Mismanagement of the described elements can severely affect the revenue, efficiency in processes, and ultimately introduce discrepancies that result in delayed growth and brand reputation. Pipedrive CRM is the best option that incorporates all the requirements and dynamics of new organizations through its well-organized and streamlined workflow management infrastructure.

  • Workflow Improvements with Pipedrive CRM

As there is a wide range of processes that new organization needs to manage in a highly organized manner. For this, the most important thing is a centralized view of all the data. This could be only possible through the use of a CRM system in the organization. It helps provide a high level of data visibility across the organization. It increases customer experience and makes the administration quite easy.

Initially, the need for Pipedrive CRM is to manage the sales-related processes. A cloud-based solution that is quick and affordable is the ultimate need of news organizations. Since the online news organization employs various tools and apps, the CRM solution should also be over the cloud to manage the data storage and generation a seamless process. Other than these, the following are some straight advantages Pipedrive CRM gives to your news organization.

  • A clear workflow system all present in a unified interface helps the organization to see its employees and track them effectively.
  • Shared contact and other information connected database is the need for a news organization as when some data is added, edited, or deleted, it immediately gets updated in the electronic reports.
  • There are several other options of integrating the Google Apps and tools in the CRM system which makes it a matter of seconds to perform tasks that manually take hours.
  • Easy subscription management of news with the sites and customers that help renew the recurring subscription considering to which plan a customer has subscribed.
  • Accounting and finance management using the automated invoice management system.
  • An enhanced customer experience that influences sales and increases productivity.
  • Pipedrive – A leading CRM platform

Pipedrive CRM is an intuitive tool that has become essential for the process of customer and sales management. It offers convenience in several tasks that incorporate contact management, data management in a centralized platform, and smoothen the collaboration for better ideas. In this way, a news organization could have a clear history of calls, activities, and emails when it comes to managing leads.

The advanced features include data-driven analytics that helps optimize the marketing campaigns by recognizing the key points which influence end-users the most. In this way, useful insights could help new organization work on that contains the most which increase the traffic and target audience.

To make it operational in your news organization, Techloyce helps you utilize the tools and operation to the full. Our Pipedrive CRM consultants consider the requirements of your businesses and present a full-fledged CRM system that aligns well as per your business needs. In this way, automated workflow in a system designed to manage each operation in a frictionless manner help accelerate growth and performance. Instead of wasting investments and time in trying multiple CRM systems, the expert CRM consultants of Techloyce would recommend the appropriate platform that incorporates your business needs and help you manage workflow in a streamlined way.