
Role of AI and ML in Zoho Customer Management

Whether they are B2B businesses or B2C, the focus remains on the customer. Companies seek to optimize their strategies to get customer loyalty. The business community found new opportunities to satisfy their customers with the advent of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. Time has gone when CRM was considered to be an effective tool just for the sake of storing and managing customer data.

Technology has leapt to the next level. Today, CRMs provide data analysis powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Organizations can track the sales and purchase patterns just because AI algorithms working behind sophisticated CRM systems are able to analyze huge datasets. The system not only analyzes but also learns from this data. Machine Learning (ML) is a branch of AI that enables the system to learn and detect patterns in the dataset.

Zoho has also introduced its AI-powered features. Techloyce has Zoho CRM consultants to help you explore more about the amazing AI-based features of its CRM process. Following are the AI features that you can enjoy with Zoho.

1. Automation

We are all living in times of automation and Zoho CRM automates the whole business processes. One of the primary benefits of automation is to reduce the chances of manual errors. People prefer to automate the following workflows with Zoho:

  • Employee Onboarding (through Zoho People and Zoho Recruit)
  • Leave management
  • Purchase Orders
  • Customer support
  • Reimbursement process
  • Sales process

All these workflow automation involve AI in one way or another. For example, the automation of customer support involves chatbots which are platforms used by clients to communicate with their customers in an effective way. You can either go for the automation of a part of your business or digitalize the whole system depending on your business needs. Automation has increased the lead conversion rate for many businesses.

2. Chatbots

Many companies offer services in more than one country. The language constraint is evident! Many offer 24/7 support. A chatbot dedicated to the online conversation can fulfill such needs. Zoho offers Zobot integrations which can easily automate chats with visitors to your website. If required, chatbots deliver chats to human operators. They work even if all human operators are busy. The visitor is kept engaged with notifications regarding busy operators. Zobot has many chatbot templates that you can use to customize your own chatbot.

3. Behavioral Analysis

Zoho Zia is a platform to make you experience better customer management. For example, it tells the user the right time to contact customers. How? It fetches information and customer data because of advanced algorithms based on the concepts of Machine Learning (ML) which is one of the branches of AI. It can detect positive and negative words in the emails to help in understanding customer behavior.

 Zia is also able to detect anomalies and enables you to understand customer behavior in a better way. This AI-driven data analysis has a direct effect on sales. Today, companies that have adopted Zoho CRM are able to make sales predictions because they have visual representations of sales patterns. A file containing millions of data entries can be seen in the form of neat graphical representations – thanks to AI.

4. Fraud Detection

Datasets are not only used for analysis and predictions but also used for detecting anomalous records and patterns. AI has a major role in detecting fraud. Before AI, there used to be restricted fraud patterns but AI has ML and deep learning as its sub-branches. They play role in detecting anomalies and make the system learn based on patterns and trends. This learned system becomes efficient enough to detect similar fraudulent activity in the future. Artificial Intelligence has brought accuracy to the tasks of data analysts. Zoho Zia is an AI-powered sales assistant and efficiently pinpoints and flags anomalies and problems.

5. Speech Recognition

It is common to give input to computers and mobile phones in the form of voice signals. Zoho has incorporated the speech recognition feature in its CRM application. It has launched this feature especially for sales representatives who are required to be talkative (because of the nature of their job). When they talk, there is the chance of missing the note of some important information. Zoho Zia has a voice digital assistant to respond to the voice of the sales rep. If required, text mode can be turned on. While using text mode, you will get a response in the textual format (convenient to use when you are in public).

Zia Voice is part of Zoho CRM and other applications. The speech recognition engine working behind this feature is based on the basics of AI and as has been mentioned earlier Zia is altogether an AI-powered assistant.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning concepts have facilitated customer management in many direct and indirect ways. If you are intrigued about the AI-powered features of Zoho, Techloyce is a Zoho partner and you can get in touch with Techloyce consultants to explore more options.