
How Assist With Quality Assurance For Software & Application

Quality assurance is an integral part of our everyday life.

Care to disagree?

Let’s start with the basic aspect of life, cooking. If you have cooked mashed potatoes or any other dish at your sibling’s request for the Christmas dinner then you must be familiar with the efforts it involves. You are careful, right from the very first moment where you shop for potatoes and select cheese. You anticipate all possible scenarios in your head and make a conscious effort to complete the task in the best possible way and ensure that all requirements are met. Even you taste it to ensure all the spices are perfectly aligned and complement their taste.

Similarly in the case of software development, especially if you are planning to develop software that helps blind people to drive. Or in the case of infant food manufacturing. From here you can understand that Quality assurance (QA) is needed everywhere from your kitchen to the corporate organization, in all aspects of life. The goal is to ensure everything is in the right order and this check and balance further help people with the smooth everyday operation. In this regard, there are dozens of project management software you can opt for including It offers multiple project management features and also supports scrum, sprint, agile, and iteration processes.

Here in this article, we have given a brief introduction to what Quality Assurance is, why it is required for business, and lastly, we have explained how can help you in setting up a quality assurance process.

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What is QA?

It is a process of ensuring that the product or solution that is being developed fulfills all the requirements as stated by the stakeholders, it can be clients or customers, and doesn’t cause any inconvenience to the user. Unlike quality control, it takes a proactive approach to create a product that offers a plug-and-play experience and doesn’t contract any problem throughout the SDLC process.

Why QA Is Important For Software Business?

Today we are surrounded by hi-tech devices, from AI cars to everyday essential equipment. And a single error can become hazardous for the people. Like we said above in the case of application development that helps the blind actively detect hurdles and drive without hitting something requires an iteration QA process. In such a situation relying on Agile product development is not the right kind of strategy, where you deploy and reform app depending on the customer feedback. Rather you have to be proactive and conduct thorough research to produce multiple test cases so that all possible problems can be avoided right from the development process. Furthermore, there are multiple QA certificates you can opt for to ensure the quality is optimal at all stages of product use, and to gain customer trust.

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How Project Management Software Monday.Com Can Assist You With QA Process

Quality Assurance requires thorough testing of a product, application, food, medicine, etc. so that everything remains in order. This process is often spanned out over several weeks, months, and sometimes years. In this duration, rigorous testing is conducted to test the quality, durability, and effectiveness of workflows, operation, and utility of the products that are being developed. And, in this situation, you require thorough planning and efficient ways to organize tasks based on priority, track the progress and status, provides exactly that. It offers a drag-and-drop feature to organize things in a matter of priority, at the same time it goes beyond and provides everything that the software or application Quality Assurance process needs. Here are some of the features that offers:

  1. Iteration Planning – This includes creating milestones that are spanned out through the calendar. Every stage consists of a specific task, in QA that would be testing, and status to know how the task is going.
  2. Bug Tracking – comes with a fully integrated bug tacker that non-developers and developers can use alike. It aims to make the QA process smooth so that testers can invest their efforts in priority tasks in hand and get the thing done easily. Moreover, the QA specialist can efficiently priorities their task in order of need, create new bug reports, allocate tickets to the teams, and simultaneously track the status.
  3. Backlog – Since the QA specialist is involved in the entire Software Development Life Cycle, and tasks get piled up as the error or bugs are detected. Hence to keep everything streamlined, offers priority features that you can use to automatically designate tasks based on the priority of the event, issue’s nature, and department it is related to.
  4. Product Road Map – With you can create a visually rich and logical workflow that operates automatically. You can also create a complete cycle of a product or application development including the phases and priority tasks. This keeps teams onboard and keeps everyone in the loop with the developments and updates.
  5. Workflow Automation – Another important feature of is the automation services. Since a QA specialist is engaged in every step of the SDLC process, he or she needs to vary about every development, hence keeping manual track of bug or error resolution and tracking the status of the task becomes difficult. Therefore, by using workflow automation one can create a custom logical workflow to automate everything including notification, reminder, and follow-up.
  6. Integration – Unlike other applications, is user-friendly and can easily integrate with a third-party application. So, if your team prefers a specific application to communicate then get it integrated with the system and you are good to go.
  7. Reporting – Lastly, it offers comprehensive reporting and analytics features that provide in-depth reporting and tracking details.

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Parting Words

Quality Assurance has become an integral of our life. However, when it comes to application and software, the retention of customers is heavily dependent on the quality and experience. There are multiple ways you can do that, either by getting continuous feedback from the users with agile product development or by fixing everything in advance with the help of iteration. All of these things require detailed planning. So, if you are looking for a way to organized and automate all of your QA processes, then implementation and project management services are what you need. For this, you can consult project management consultation and consultants, Techloyce.