
Zoho Adobe Sign Integration

Have you ever faced the annoying situation when your employees needed your signatures on some important papers, but you were not physically present? It happens, but not anymore because Techloyce has brought another integration with which you can leave your signature-related worries far behind. All those people who have been looking for tools for an efficient and advanced way of signing documents can be at ease for Techloyce has something amazing for them. It has Zoho integrated with the latest version of Adobe Sign to provide you with a robust signing tool.

Say Yes to Ease and Convenience with Digital Security, Opt for Zoho Adobe Sign Integration

Zoho is a renowned software development platform that has facilitated the business community with an array of applications. From Zoho CRM to IT Manager, there is a complete range of tools that are successfully running in the market. On the flip side, Adobe Sign is a professional e-signature tool that was previously available in the market with the name EchoSign. Adobe acquired EchoSign in 2011 and reintroduced this platform as Adobe Sign.

Following are the features that you can enjoy with Zoho Adobe Sign Integration:

  1. Electronic signature
  2. Tracking and Management

Electronic Signature

The foremost concern regarding digital signatures is the legality of the signs. The signature is as important as your thumb impression. Adobe digital signs are legally binding and you can use them at any place and any office. It makes Zoho Adobe Sign integration one of the most trusted in the world.

Tracking and Management

Suppose you send a document for digital signature, now what? Adobe Sign does not leave you strangled there rather you will be able to track the whole activity till the document is signed by the concerned person. Notifications about the status of the document are generated during the whole process and sent to the user via the Zoho Adobe Sign platform. Even if your document does not get signed immediately, with Adobe Sign you can send emails and notifications as reminders. If required, you can cancel the request for signatures. There are provided search and filter features to track files.

Conserve Time, Money, and Efforts, Consult Techloyce for e-Signatures

Techloyce is the place that provides efficient and intelligent business solutions and helps the business community to progress with leaps and bounds. In our line of services, we offer our valuable clients the effortlessness of eSignatures to serve the needs of validation and authenticity in day-to-day business processes operations, faster and better. Zoho is an established platform itself and by using its integration with Adobe Sign, your business options will become widened. Apart from the ease in your business, Adobe Sign is a money-saving option. Your cost of paper, ink, and printing will be reduced.

With seamless integration of Zoho with Adobe Sign implemented by Techloyce, it is now more than ever easier to sign deals faster without waiting to be physically present everywhere. For instance, the procedures of hiring new employees usually take time. Candidates are called to bring their documents and companies have to provide them with contracts and terms & conditions to sign. This process can be completed quickly if you let employees sign electronically (when your Zoho Adobe Sign integration is installed).

Consult the tech ninjas and business solutions consultants at Techloyce on how the Zoho integrated with Adobe Sign can ease the process of documentation for you and your teams in no time with all the security and legitimacy. We are the official Zoho partners for all the Zoho applications.