
SugarCRM QuoteWerks Integration

Integrate QuoteWerks with SugarCRM for Concise, Precise, and Customise Sales Quotes

Not all businesses have straight forward pricing. When the price tag is not visible, it shows the access to the product or service involves variable pricing that cannot be determined without discussing the preferences with customers. Such businesses offer their customers sales quotes that outline the wide-ranging costs for the product or services. When the customers agree to the pricing, it converts into a revenue opportunity for the merchant or vendor. This is called the quote-to-cash process.

Quote-to-cash is a complicated process. It requires you to make customers feel valued while saving your interests, too. Creating a sales quote with a customer-centric approach that fulfills their requirements is the first step towards a good customer experience.

The other step is to manage these sales quotes, effectively. With SugarCRM QuoteWerks, businesses can easily create, customize, or configure the sales quote by adding appropriate products, changing prices, discount levels, shipping/billing options, etc.

Why SugarCRM QuoteWerks Integration?

SugarCRM allows businesses to manage their customers data, efficiently and streamlines the workflows and multiple revenue operations. To enhance business productivity to a greater extent, SugarCRM offers integration with one of the most efficient sales quoting software solutions for the global small and mid-markets. QuoteWerks.

SugarCRM QuoteWerks Integration

Having a unified, precise, and resourceful sales quoting process to use the customer and sales opportunity data, often manage in different CRM, Accounting, and quoting systems, can be used to streamline other revenue operations.

SugarCRM integrated with QuoteWerks offers the following features:

  • Searching database for contact or account to use in the quote
  • Creating quote notes, save it with the quote, and edit it later
  • Creating or updating a sales opportunity when saving a quote
  • Converting the quote to an order when the sale deal is closed
  • Scheduling a follow-up call with a quote
  • Inserting data fields into the print layout as needed
  • Pulling lookup list information from the CRM

How to Integrate QuoteWerks with SugarCRM?

QuoteWerks is a sales quoting software that offers highly customer-centric and customized sales quote solutions when integrated with SugarCRM, one of the most accessible, extensible, and time-aware customer relationship management platform that can be used to manage the customer base, employees, and teams.

Techloyce offers seamless integration services of SugarCRM with QuoteWerks that can, not only, automates quotation with a competitive advantage of affordably, but it also offers accessibility in manual customization as well. QuoteWerks integrates with SugarCRM versions 5.1 and 5.2 including Community, Express, Professional, and Enterprise editions.

Our experts make it easy for companies to manage their multiple business process automation with customized CRM solutions. Along with QuoteWerks, integrate other finance, billing, sales, marketing, support, taxation, and other software with SugarCRM and fly high with the best of the revenue operations management.