
Odoo WordPress Integration


Odoo is an all in one open source platform that offers hundreds of Apps to help business develop and grow in a short span of time. It is a complete ERP and CRM suite for businesses who are stuck with customer relationship and management. Techloyce takes pride in being an active facilitator of Odoo WordPress integration keeping in view its unparalleled demand. But before we further dig WordPress Odoo integration let us shed some light over WordPress platform.


WordPress is an open source platform primarily utilized for making websites and blogs. WordPress is an open source content based management platform which makes it easy enough for the end user to further modify important sections of their websites and blogs without having sound knowledge of programming. As we speak, it’s more than 35% of the current sites that are made on WordPress platform. With that being said, we can imagine how flexible and easy to grasp platform it would be for designing sites.

WordPress & Odoo – Get Amazing Functionalities

Both Odoo and WordPress platforms are open source and serve as CRM’s for users. They both serve different purposes. And enable businesses to get their hands on amazing functionalities by doing WordPress Odoo integration with in their organizations.

When it comes to WordPress Odoo connector there is a long list of features that this connector provides to its user base or customer base. Following are some of the many features that come across as a result of Odoo WordPress Integration.

odoo wordpress connector

Ease to operate

Odoo comes with such advanced features like alpha beta testing, email marketing. It helps users to work right away, straight from the scratch. Subsequently, the user is able to obtain such advanced features with no need to look up for them separately in the plugin section or custom development module.

Cost Friendly

Both of these platforms Odoo and WordPress are free of charge and open source platforms. Odoo enterprise edition costs from $96 per year, while WordPress hosting starts from $4 per month. However, their basic functionality and features are free to give users an insight about the platform itself.

Available Support

Odoo and WordPress are both open source and has a huge community support, while on the contrary, most of the other ERPs are closed source.

Techloyce & Odoo WordPress Integration

As we are Odoo Partners, we make sure you develop the best integration of these popular platforms. We are serving our clients all around the world including, USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Malaysia and many other countries. Regarding the popularity of this Odoo WordPress integration, it is still getting popular among considerable business niche. And we are here to help our business customers with such , Odoo WordPress Integration provided we have proven expertise in this field.