
Odoo LinkedIn Integration

A complete low-down on LinkedIn Integration with Odoo for your business

Given the tough competition among job seekers, it can be a cumbersome task having to find the right candidate from amongst a pool of thousand applicants. Job portals, however, have made life much easier and recruitment task much simpler. LinkedIn Integration with Odoo is a step in the right direction. Odoo is an all-in-one business management open source platform that provides numerous apps to handle several business aspects smoothly. The range of apps include: Manufacturing, Accounting, CRM, Billing etc. As for Odoo HR module, we all know that it is a good tool at the ERP level. It incorporates all main features that a recruitment software should possess.

LinkedIn is the world’s biggest social media network for professionals. Individuals from all walks of life can manage their professional identity as well as build and engage with a large number of professional networks.

Odoo LinkedIn Integration – Works Best Together

LinkedIn Integration with Odoo performs the process of enhancing your business or professional identity. As already mentioned Odoo is an effective tool at ERP level. The user will get all fundamental features which a recognized recruitment software should possess. Recruitment and selection are imperative human resource functions in the HR module. If the organization fails to attract the right employees according to the job requirement, it will not be able to enjoy economies of scale. This is why all the steps in the recruitment and selection phase are equally important.

The HR team shoulders the major responsibility of finding the right candidate. It has to post all the relevant posts related to job openings on different websites and job portals. Later, this is followed by shortlisting the suitable CVs and profiles. Once they are done narrowing down the candidates, next step is to arrange interviews and shortlist the best.

Odoo linkedin integration

Now, we will further look at LinkedIn Integration with Odoo People hold the opinion that Facebook and Twitter are the most popular social networks. But when it comes to expanding your career, connecting with industry experts, and finding a job, LinkedIn plays a crucial role. It has established itself as the most reliable and popular professional networking site as of today.

The LinkedIn website has been designed as extremely user-friendly. Its personalized format makes it possible to enlist all your achievements, accomplishments, a detailed overview of one’s skills and job experience. This information is then shared with everyone you are connected with, including head hunters, professionals, CEOs and recruiters. We can conclude by saying that LinkedIn brings you a collection of the finest candidates. This is the reason why it has gained immense popularity amongst HR professionals who use it to find the right person rather than following the traditional methodology of going through inboxed CVs and profiles.

Why LinkedIn for Your Business?

The prime advantage of this integration is that it cuts down the overheads of the HR team and help them analyze all the related posts from Odoo, ERP itself. The other major benefits of Odoo Integration with LinkedIn are firstly there is no need to share the same data time and again. This helps to save time and costs. Moreover, recruitment posts can be shared via Odoo, all the updates and changes that need to be made on posts can be implemented from Odoo itself. Once you select a candidate, the profile link will be stored in Odoo so you can easily view it in the future. If you wish to see how the public is responding to your posts then there is a like and comment option available. This helps you to further gauge the reaction against your job posting.

Techloyce & Odoo LinkedIn integration

We are authorized Odoo LinkedIn Integration Partners and pride ourselves in offering our clients best Odoo integration solutions in a short span of time. We are serving our customers in AU, USA, UK, Malaysia, and Canada and in many other countries successfully.