
Odoo Jira Integration

Accelerate Growth by Improving Your Project Management with Odoo Jira Integration

Better management is the key to success in any business. This involves managing multiple teams, project and making sure that productivity is always up to par. Otherwise, your teams will not be able to deliver quality service to your customers or achieve your set goals. Project management is essential for this purpose so the administration can give structure to the goals and devise strategies for achieving those set goals. Moreover, when it comes to customers, they expect to be delivered quality service, which is why companies are now using software like Jira. For a better experience, many companies also use Odoo Jira Integration because both of their tools can be synced for team and project management.

As a project management software, Jira is designed for the purpose of offering tools like scrum boards for managing software development and other teams. Your project workflow and list of tasks are displayed in the Kanban boards, which allows manager or team lead to manage all tasks to complete them on time. Among other tools, Jira is a widely chosen open-source platform for many businesses. Techloyce offers services for Odoo Jira Integration to companies who either want to integrate their Jira boards with Odoo CRM or use Jira for their marketing, sales, or development team from Odoo. All in all, we have witnessed businesses monumentally improve their performance and sync their projects from Odoo to Jira.

Why do you need Odoo Jira Integration?

Odoo Integration with Jira has many features which can be of use for you; for example, Jira provides communication and an unprecedented level of transparency for smooth project management. Moreover, every project in Odoo or customer product to be designed can be linked in Jira as issues which will then be used to assign tasks to different team members. You can also add customers for better stream feedback on your software development. In the case of marketing, human resources and sales team, they can relegate their campaigns, lead management or employee resource planning within Jira.

Odoo Integration with Jira provides you with a platform where you can handle various aspects of your business. For human resources, this integration is ideal because it creates a smooth and clear stream for communication between employees and hiring, staffing, and overall product management. All in all, Odoo Integration with Jira offered by Techloyce will open new avenues of unprecedented growth like many of our clients have. Their use of customizable workflow, issues, and real-time reporting allowed them to manage all aspects of their business in one place.

Improve your Issue Management

When you connect your Odoo platform with Jira, you can create issues in the Jira boards. These issues are basically tickets which are assigned to different team members, and workflow is created to receive and record updates once the task is completed for the customer to review. Moreover, the issues shifted to Jira can be about software bugs or other project tasks for marketing or other teams. In case of bugs or software development related tasks, you can also link Odoo issues with existing Jira issues so you can perform testing after the bug is solved. For further clarification and maximum results, the team lead can also set the priority of the issue so it can be solved as soon as possible. Other fields which can be changed in Jira include; project, issue, type, creator, assigned to, and level of priority. It is not necessary for you to create these field in Jira separately because Odoo field can be imported directly to Jira. By managing your projects in the form of tickets and issues in Jira, your development and other teams will be able to utilize fully and benefit from the customized workflows. It will reduce the need for intervention or communication for updates on each task. This is why Techloyce is offering seamless Odoo Jira Integration for clients to use all of these tools and excel.