
Odoo integration with Facebook Lead Ads

It remains a challenge in the digital world to find and connect with the audience that is interested in what you offer. Social media platforms are effectively used for this purpose. If you are interested in using social media to target potential customers, Techloyce has GOOD NEWS for you. You can get Odoo integration with Facebook Lead Ads which is a robust solution for the problem of targeting the right group of customers.

Odoo is an open-source ERP offering a wide range of capabilities. There are many business processes that ERP automates. It can be used by small, medium, and large enterprises according to their business needs. It is popular for its scalability and flexibility. Facebook Lead Ads, on the other hand, allows people to easily connect with the customers who are interested in the product or services that they offer. Lead ads do not take your potential customer to some landing page to fill up the form rather the whole process is completed at the platform of Facebook.

What Does Integration of Odoo and Facebook Lead Ads Offer

With Odoo Facebook integration, people will be shown ads. On clicking the ads, a form will appear for them to fill. As soon as they submit the form, you can fetch the information of your lead from that form. You can post custom questions on the form that people will have to fill. The style, format, and content of the form are also customizable. The Lead ads can be used to identify target customers, collect information about the subscriber, and know the behaviour of your lead.

The contact information that you get through Facebook Lead Ads integration with Odoo can be used to maintain the database of leads and customers.

How Odoo Integration with Facebook Lead Ads Works

Facebook Lead Ads integrated with Odoo works in the following manner to help you get the customer information:

  • The visitor of your website fills the web form.
  • The visitor’s ad set, campaign, and source will be identified.
  • You will get the notification of form submission in your Odoo account.
  • This notification will have Facebook Ads information.

Ads information can be used to identify and track the campaigns that generated potential leads for you. Integration of Odoo and Lead Ads will help you avoid the manual downloading of the leads rather you can access and manage leads through the platform of your CRM. Whenever a lead is generated you must act immediately to convert it to the customer. This integration will enable you to act timely when leads will be generated. There are associated advertising policies with Lead Ads and when you use Lead Ads you must abide by these policies. Techloyce consultants can help you to get this integration and they will handle all complexities involved in the process.