
Odoo Amazon Integration

Techloyce has yet again facilitated its customer base with a powerful Odoo Amazon integration. With that being said, Odoo Amazon connector is specially crafted for the eCommerce merchants who want to seamlessly manage their Amazon store inside Odoo. Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that help in managing businesses and organizations. Formerly it was called OpenERP and was an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that provided an accomplished, integrated ERP solution. Odoo aims at conquering new territories and widening its functionality. Grow sales, run operations, organize marketing activities, boost productivity and empower human resources all with Odoo.

Boost your online sales through Odoo integration with Amazon

Odoo Amazon connector helps a huge clientage as there is a large customer footfall on Amazon stores. This connector helps you to streamline your customer operations through Odoo e-store and commerce functionalities. Odoo allows you to leverage its modularity and collaborative development approach by simply grouping and configuring the most suitable modules (numerous are available) to customize the system. This also holds true when businesses perform Odoo Amazon integration. When it comes to Odoo platform special thoughtfulness is paid to business operation running. Project Management will take care of managing your business tasks and projects, collaborative work, timesheets, issues tracking, etc. Odoo also can settle billing and accounting by providing tools to integrate bookkeeping with all other operations, create invoices and bill timesheets, as well as those to analyze your sales and marketing strategy. Once you undergo Odoo Amazon integration you can also manage your warehouse, manufacturing, and purchase through Amazon within Odoo applications.

Odoo Amazon connector helps you integrate and manage your Amazon Account operations from Odoo. As a result, you can save time, effort and avoid errors due to manual data entry to boost your Amazon sales through this connector. The following are some of the many features that businesses can get as a result of this integration.

  1. Amazon Instance Configuration and Setup.
  2. Multi-instance support.
  3. Import Browse Nodes / Categories from Amazon.
  4. Export Product to Amazon.
  5. Export Product Images to Amazon.
  6. Update Product price to Amazon.
  7. Export Inventory to Amazon.
  8. Live (on the fly) Inventory Export to Amazon.
  9. Import Sale Order.
  10. Export Shipping Details with tracking no. to Amazon.
  11. Refund order to Amazon.
  12. Auto Stock/Orders/Shipping status export to Amazon.
  13. Create Invoice / Payment / Delivery Order to Odoo (Automatically).
  14. Amazon Sales report.
  15. Intuitive dashboard to manage all operations of Amazon from one place.

All in all, managing Amazon sales can be a cumbersome task. If you are someone who is already utilizing Odoo for your back end operations and wants to start your online business on Amazon. Then this Odoo integration with Amazon powered by Techloyce is the right stop for you. Techloyce takes pride in simplifying chaotic business operations for its clients for more than a decade now. Head towards Techloyce for getting Odoo Amazon connector for your business.