
HubSpot Xero Integration

Take Your Accounting Management to another Level with HubSpot Xero Integration

Expanding your business can be an exhilarating process, but it is not entirely smooth, especially if a growing customer base, sales, profits, and investments overburden accounting and finance management. Along with the fact that finances and handling bills and invoices are difficult, this process does not take place in isolation as well. Especially invoice and billing process, which is also connected with contact management and for improved customer relationship management, you need details of your customer’s bills and payments made against them. This will allow you to keep track of your revenue generation and address late payments or cancellations as well as customers with whom you have lost touch in a timely manner. We understand the importance of managing your invoices and this is why we have been offering seamless HubSpot Integration with Xero for our clients. We believe that once you have integrated HubSpot with Xero, you will be able to manage multiple business processes readily. This is why our HubSpot consultants make sure that your experience with HubSpot Integration with Xero is as seamless as possible so you can fully maximize your investment in an appropriate platform.

When it comes to Xero Integration with HubSpot, it offers accurate record-keeping for all your transactions, cash flow, offering automatic reminders for any later payments, and overall automated updates from every time bank transactions are made. Moreover, your business health is easily manageable as you can view the reporting dashboard with elaborate charts that are updated automatically. On the other hand, when it comes to invoicing and creating bills, Xero offers online invoices with multiple online payment methods. Other features include sales tax management, managing multiple currencies, and handling sales quotes with professional looking proposals. This implies that HubSpot Integration with Xero involves complete synchronization of invoicing processes with sales and overall customer relationship management.

Manage Deals and Invoicing Records With Bi-Directional Sync

This HubSpot Xero Integration allows you to sync every Xero contact and create a new one in HubSpot CRM for better management of contacts as well as invoices/payments made by them. Moreover, customer-related activities like creating deals or contracts are also possible so you can view the invoice status of each and leads as well as manage conversions. All of this contact management really helps businesses with handling their invoices, as well as lead and sales management. In this Xero Integration with HubSpot, you do not have to create invoices once deals have been closed because Xero will allow your invoices to be accessed and your customers can also pay from there.

Better Streamlining of your CRM Related Processes

HubSpot Xero Integration helps you save time and effort required to manage your sales, lead, and overall customer relationship management processes with automated finance management. Whenever you want to create an invoice against a customer, you can do so in the HubSpot deal page where invoice button is displayed. From there, your invoices will be accessible from Xero account and automatically recorded in the financial reports and your customers can quickly pay in any available currency as well as in any online payment method like PayPal. Whenever you create an invoice against a new customer, their first name, email account, billing address, and other contact information will be saved from Xero fields to HubSpot CRM. When it comes to HubSpot Xero Integration, your customers should be taken care of while you make sure that you are in complete control of your payments, sales, and overall business health. This is why this integration is ideal because it allows you to track different metrics and you have that kind of insight you can make information-driven decisions and design a better marketing campaign and improve sales workflow to ensure better CRM management. Both their features in HubSpot Integration with Xero can be accessed once you collaborate with HubSpot consultant at Techloyce.