
HubSpot LinkedIn Integration

Create Engagement Driven Content for Social Media Presence with LinkedIn Hubspot Integration

Any sales are driven, and the interactive marketing campaign involves social media like LinkedIn and other platforms. Managing your social media campaign involves extensive marketing tools for which HubSpot is ideal. Not only does it offer inbound marketing tools and helps marketing teams visualize clickable content for social media posts, but it also allows users to gain more insight on visits and click-through. When it comes to LinkedIn, you can, similarly to other social media, manage your social media posts and see how your audience is interacting with your content, as well as, gain more leads from it. For this purpose, HubSpot LinkedIn Integration is designed to manage marketing campaigns on LinkedIn. Techloyce is offering these integrations for HubSpot users so they can easily maintain their online presence and avail opportunities for sales and lead generation.

Hubspot integration with LinkedIn has helped many businesses to improve their social media management. While marketing teams can find it easy to manage LinkedIn separately, but LinkedIn Hubspot Integration will allow you to manage content as well as schedule the social media posts to improve engagement. Now your marketing team will not have to worry about your posting schedule because this integration has a social media calendar from where you can create a plan for posting on your LinkedIn. You can post your social media content directly from HubSpot as well.

Techloyce has expert consultants for HubSpot integrations, and one of them is LinkedIn which allows users to view LinkedIn insights and contact prospects using their email or other information to drop an introductory email to that company or person. You can also view related contacts in a list within Sales navigator where you can use those contacts to drop an email. Moreover, within HubSpot LinkedIn Integration, you can keep track of leads receiving these emails and the click-through rate for it. This way, sales representatives can readily connect with them for further lead nurturing. It would not be wrong to say that HubSpot LinkedIn Integration not only makes marketing easy but also supports sales and lead generation process as well. Our expert HubSpot consultants have been helping many companies with a seamless Hubspot integration with LinkedIn, which has improved their marketing campaigns. With our services, your LinkedIn account will be seamlessly integrated with your HubSpot CRM, Sales, or Marketing Hub.

Utilize Reporting Dashboard to Detect Content Performance

Hubspot integration with LinkedIn allows you to not only post and schedule LinkedIn posts from HubSpot but also helps you keep tabs on the number of views on every post. Moreover, you can also add custom metrics in the reporting dashboard so you can fully utilize your integration which includes impression, how many leads are generated from each profile of contact or company, as well as compare performance from other social media account of your company. This will help you manage the performance of your LinkedIn account so you can see how improvements can be made and you can make tweaks in your social media marketing campaign.

Directly Manage your LinkedIn Account from HubSpot

For marketing professionals who do not want to switch between different social media platforms for posting content and directing leads or gaining insight from reporting dashboards, they can benefit from Hubspot integration with LinkedIn. This will allow you to utilize HubSpot blogging tools for posting on your LinkedIn page without having to switch to your account. You can quickly create content for your LinkedIn audience, and by using those analytics, you can focus on improvement without having to worry about curating blogs as HubSpot offers engaging tools to design interactive blog posts and templates as well. All in all, LinkedIn Hubspot Integration offers many tools for helping companies manage their social media presence, by using tools like the social calendar or SEO blogging tools you can see the frequency of posts, quality of content, and how much engagement is driven from it. So contact Techloyce today for a premium integration service.