
HubSpot Freshdesk Integration

Improve Your Customer Support Processes with HubSpot Freshdesk Integration

Customer service is essential for companies as it helps in maintaining customer relationships and represent brands in a positive manner which would help them expand their market. Customer services involve ticket management, assigning tasks and tickets to customer service agents, providing support across all channels, and maintaining service and support team’s productivity. Offering customer support and service also involves creating and maintaining a knowledge base and help guides for your customers. For this reason, platforms like Freshdesk are designed to provide businesses with tools for managing customer service related processes. Not only this, but, Freshdesk also is integrated with your HubSpot CRM platform for maximum results. Techloyce offers seamless and quick HubSpot Integration with Freshdesk, which will improve your management of these processes.

HubSpot Freshdesk Integration allows you to streamline your sales, marketing and customer service processes in one place for improved performance. This integration also empowers customer-facing teams to collaborate because all of your data and contacts as well as tickets will be synced automatically. With HubSpot Integration with Freshdesk, your customer-facing teams will also be able to automate workflows for flexible flow of data across both platforms without any need for intervention. When you are using HubSpot for gathering leads, collecting their information for CRM, using sales automation for closing deals and managing conversions, Freshdesk will give you all the tools you need for adding customer support to your system. Your native communication among customer-facing teams will exponentially improve with this integration.

Choose Techloyce for HubSpot Integration with Freshdesk

When you consult with our HubSpot consultants for possible integrations, you will be able to use these tools readily and combine all of your processes for better and improved management. In Freshdesk, you can manage your customer support agent’s assigned tickets for productivity. Moreover, you can also manage customer support conversations, tickets and their status, as well as assign them to your agents. In Freshdesk contacts, you can view information about the customer like contact information, social media, name, and email address. This information can be synced in HubSpot CRM for managing customer relationship. In HubSpot CRM, you can save this information in separate and customized fields and attributes for keeping track of customer lifecycle stage. All in all, HubSpot Integration with Freshdesk is ideal for businesses who want to improve their productivity and use workflows to automate their sales, marketing and customer support processes. Our experts in HubSpot integrations will help you figure out how to maximize tools of both of these platforms best.

Improve your Ticket Management with HubSpot Freshdesk Integration

With this integration, your customer service team will be able to sync new contacts once tickets are saved in Freshdesk, as well as see tickets against contacts in HubSpot CRM. The new contacts will be saved for lead management by your sales representatives. After tickets are addressed, and a positive response is received from the customer, you can also change the status of tickets from HubSpot tags under the contacts of those customers. Moreover, you can also manage your agent’s tickets which are gathered from all channels via omnichannel support and also use automated emails for communicating with customers. All in all, HubSpot Freshdesk Integration is helpful for businesses who are either struggling with managing their support teams or sync your customer support tickets and overall management. So if you are looking to improve customer relationship management and support then contact Techloyce today.