
HubSpot for Small Business

A Small Business’s Guide to Using HubSpot for Better Business Management

If you are a small business looking to automate marketing, sales, and CRM processes in this lockdown so your teams are well in sync and your customer communication does not falter. Well, even though there is a plethora of software in the market, none of them is as integrated, easy to use, and intelligent as HubSpot CRM for small businesses. To start, HubSpot is one of the biggest integrated platforms for small businesses, and other types of companies as its versatile pricing plans can accommodate any number of users, contacts, and tools depending on your need and scope of business.

As an all-in-one platform, HubSpot CRM for small business has tools that automate your marketing processes, puts your lead and sales management processes on autopilot, and allows communication across other applications so users can stay in the loop of any sales, queries, or incoming leads. Luckily Techloyce offers all of these services for small businesses to customize their ideal HubSpot CRM. All in all, using HubSpot CRM for small business will allow your team to manage all customer relationship management-related processes easily. A highlight of this platform is helping users improve lead attraction, generating more traffic, and then handling once they convert. This is essentially done via marketing automation, which allows you to create workflows for email campaigns, conversions, and tracking clicks and visits for predicting sales. For your team members in this pandemic environment, you can arrange online meeting schedules as well, so any of your clients need are addressed on time. As a guide, we have included the following tools that you need for your CRM and marketing processes that can continue remotely.

Manage Daily Tasks with Slack Integration

In case you are considering to use Slack for team management or collaboration tool then the good news is, you can integrate it with your HubSpot CRM. Our expert consultants can help with integration as well as you discover its features and the best way to fully utilize it. You can assign tasks to your sales team regarding tickets, or schedule online meetings with representatives and content posting on any of your social media. This app also has a live chat and email feature for internal communication. Any notification from your HubSpot CRM will also be shown in Slack, so your teams avoid back and forth. You can even set automated workflow from sales, marketing or service Hub.

Communicate Clients with Email Marketing

Since this pandemic has started, you might want to communicate with your customer base and let them know of any updates regarding your small business. This can be done by setting an automated workflow for your clients for your email for which you can also use a customized email template offered within HubSpot CRM. Moreover, you do not need designers because your users can easily use drag and drop editor for it. You will experience more click-through rate and experience more engagement through email marketing powered by HubSpot CRM.

Use Outlook Calendar for Meetings

The best way to make sure that small businesses do not lose clients is to conduct online meetings. For this purpose, Outlook Calendar integration is ideal. With two way sync, your meeting schedules can be updated easily anytime prospects want a meeting. Your prospects can easily view when your availability is best and also allows your clients to request meetings to avoid back and forth meetings. This tool is ideal for remote work because your team can figure out the best time for availability by viewing the meeting calendar and conduct online meetings efficiently. All in all, HubSpot CRM for small businesses will equip you for working remotely.