
HubSpot Eventbrite Integration

Improve Your Event and Ticket Management with HubSpot Eventbrite Integration

For event creators, they need an event management platform where they can set up events page, offer their attendees online payment processing, and other tools for a powerful and dynamic performance. An event management application needs to organize, run, and track the development of their events from their mobile phones or other devices. One of such platforms includes Eventbrite, which is used by countless event management companies who use it for reporting and analytics for events and take care of online payments as well as the entire sales process. This platform also offers beautiful customized pages for representing brands and users can also create professional websites as well. You can even embed checkout on your page in order to enhance customer’s checkout experience. But what happens when HubSpot is integrated with Eventbrite. Within this integration, many users have been enabled to improve their sales and marketing related processes involved in their events as well as managing registrations.

HubSpot Eventbrite Integration offered by Techloyce has empowered event management companies with handling their numerous events and provide a stellar experience to their attendees. Our expert HubSpot consultants offer seamless integrations so event managers and their marketing, customer relationship management, sales and customer service as well as support processes. To avail tools for event promotion, Eventbrite Integration with HubSpot allows users to manage registrations as well as manage follow-ups through emails.

HubSpot Integration with Eventbrite makes sure that users can focus on promoting their events rather than grappling with numerous registrations. While registrations are handled automatically in HubSpot CRM, marketing process, engagement, and promotion can be handled where social media accounts from your HubSpot Marketing Hub. Sales processes like lead nurturing can also be managed in this Eventbrite Integration with HubSpot through which you can focus on event engagement via lead scoring. This is done by sending emails to visitors or create expressive and interactive content for attendees. There are many tools that event managers can utilize and expert consultants will help you understand these tools to maximize your use of these platforms.

Manage Registration and Sync them in HubSpot CRM

Events registrations can be hard to keep track of, and this is why you need to sync your registrations with HubSpot. This will automatically create an account for any new contacts who are attending an event for the first time. Bur for regular attendees, whenever they pay for their ticket and use Eventbrite for paying for their tickets, you will be able to see an event registered in their contact information among other fields. This way, teams handling events and registrations will not have to manually record numerous attendees who are signing up for the event any time of the day.

Create Segments for your Events

Every event management company has multiple events to run, and this is why Eventbrite Integration with HubSpot is ideal for them. Why? The reason is that your event managers will be able to create segments as well as create workflow triggers for automating processes like updating contacts. Moreover, you can also update lead scoring criteria so your lead contacts are updated when leads are generated so your sales representatives can view which ones need to be contacted in order to nurture them with email marketing or advertising content. HubSpot Eventbrite Integration allows users to do more with their event management process, it not only enhances them but also simplifies the process of arranging events so you can focus on your engagement and event promotion which is made easier in HubSpot marketing tools. So allow our experienced HubSpot consultants to help you with HubSpot Integration with Eventbrite today so you can increase attendance at your events.