
CRM for Startups: Comparing Pipedrive and Zoho to Find the Perfect Fit

The digital world is becoming more and more competitive with time. Every day, new players enter the market. However, it is not easy for new businesses and startups to make their place in their already competitive digital arena. Here, the tech stack that you opt for plays an important role. There is another issue that many startups face, the lack of funding and finances to opt for the best CRM to have a robust tech stack from the beginning.

Other than that, most CRMs are a suite of applications and features, and not all businesses need these features. Especially, startups need just basic features of project management.

Realizing all these issues that startups face when they need to choose a CRM for their business, we are here to compare two of the leading CRMs for you—Pipedrive Vs Zoho CRM so that you may take the best decision for your business.

Pipedrive Vs Zoho

Both these CRMs are good enough and cater to the needs of a wide range of customers in the market. So, both these CRMs offer seamless basic features:

  • Sales pipeline management
  • Sales automation
  • Contact management
  • Customization
  • Reporting & analytics
  • Mobile apps

So, both these platforms streamline sales management so that the flow of revenue to the revenue stream remains maintained. Also, you can customize these platforms to make them represent your brand name. Both also offer mobile applications to facilitate people who use mobile phones more.

Coming towards the differences of these two platforms, read till the end.

Features Comparison

When it comes to marketing automation features, Zoho offers more advanced marketing automation features, such as email campaigns, social media marketing, and website visitor tracking. Pipedrive does not offer these features but does offer integrations with third-party marketing automation tools.

Task management, Gantt charts, and project reporting are all capabilities that Zoho offers for project management. Project management functions are not native to Pipedrive, however, there are third-party interfaces available. So, we can say that the project management tools of Zoho are more sophisticated than Pipedrive.

Also, Pipedrive is not offering accounting features, yet Zoho has its own features of accounting to facilitate its business community. So, Pipedrive needs to integrate with third-party software to offer its users accounting features. Though Zoho also integrates with other software and applications, it has its own basic accounting features i.e. invoicing and inventory management as well.

Pricing Comparison

Zoho has 5 pricing plans from free to custom pricing. On the other hand, Zoho has 4 pricing plans. The following table shows the comparison of these pricing plans:

However, Pipedrive gives a free trial of 14 days. Also, opting for these pricing plans, both Zoho and Pipedrive offer you to get billed annually. The price difference between the pricing plans of Zoho and Pipedrive is evident. Still, you need to consider the fact that Zoho has a range of features in comparison to Pipedrive. And that’s the reason for the comparatively higher prices that Zoho offer.

Integrations Comparison

Zoho integrates with the top CRMs including Salesforce, HubSpot, and Microsoft Dynamics. On the other hand, Pipedrive offers integration with Zoho and other CRMs as well. When it comes to marketing integrations, both Zoho and Pipedrive integrate with Mailchimp and HubSpot. However, Pipedrive also integrates with ActiveCampaign.

Overall, Pipedrive and Zoho both provide similar connectors, with notable differences in particular tools and platforms. When deciding between the two integrations, it’s critical to consider which ones are most crucial to your company.

Concluding the Zoho Vs Pipedrive discussion, the choice of CRM will depend on your business needs. One thing is suggested to startups that manage your finances in a way that you will not need to make any compromises on your tech stack. Whether you need Zoho integration or Pipedrive integration, Techloyce experts are at your service. Just decide which CRM you need to adopt, and let our experts take care of the rest.