
Pipedrive Changing the Ways SMEs Manage Sales

When it comes to businesses, generating sales is the ultimate goal. Today, we have a lot of tools in the form of CRM that can help sales and marketing departments to collaborate and devise a pipeline strategy that results in maximum conversion.

The success is dependent on transparency and a well-crafted sales pipelines strategy which can only be achieved by utilizing archive data and customer preference.

But, the most important thing that all sales managers need to understand is the pipeline process itself. Therefore, in this article, you will find a brief overview of the sales pipeline, how an inclusive sale management software ‘Pipedrive’ can assist you in creating and managing a smooth sales pipeline.

Along with how a Pipedrive integration with your existing system e.g. Zoho CRM, Odoo, and can upgrade your ordinary sale management game.

First, let’s dive into the concept of Pipedrive and some features it offers.

What A Pipedrive Can Do?

Unlike other CRM, Pipedrive is specially designed to comprehensively manage the sales pipeline. Therefore, we can say that it is an all-in-one CRM, particularly for the organizations catering for the B2B or B2C businesses. It covers sales and assists sales managers in prospect conversion at all touchpoints.

The sale management process starts from the very first stage of initial contact and lasts till the prospect is closed. Hold on! It is a loop that also consists of after-sales follow-ups, and continuously remains in motion.

However, in comparison to other CRMs, Pipedrive has some unique perks. It is the minimum need for input and instructions, still, the system will yield maximum output. Additionally, the process of pipeline management is as simple as just creating a pipeline and managing it on the go.

Yes, this feature is often missing in other sales management software. Thus, Pipedrive integration with either Zoho CRM or Odoo, along with has become a viable solution.

Features of Pipedrive:

  1. One of the most important things that all business needs right now is the sales and revenue forecast. And, Pipedrive offers exactly what businesses need and in detailed reports.
  2. The next thing is it helps the businesses in their initiatives of efficiently spotting the deals and prospects.
  3. Although many CRM offers sale automation. But there is a catch, all CRM need comprehensive and detailed rules. But in Pipedrive, you just need to fill in the sale pipeline and automate the process. Later you just have to witness the growth.
  4. Another feature of Pipedrive is, it offers comprehensive tracking of communication of all prospects from the first message to the detailed thread of communication, across all platforms.
  5. Since the Pipedrive is all about sales, hence, the insights and reports provided by it are as detailed as they can be.
  6. The last thing on our list of Pipedrive features is ‘follow-up’ on all prospects including scheduling of activity reminders to synchronizing all activities directly to Google Calendar and activity customization to meet sales needs. Along with, on-the-go accesses and freedom to create a new activity with detailed compilation and edits.

Tools With Which Pipedrive Can Integrate And Enhance The Sales Management Process

Zoho CRM Integration With Pipedrive

Zoho is a relationship management tool that focused on managing and sustaining customer and client relations, while Pipedrive manages sale processes and pipelines. Along with this, it focusses attention on tasks that really matters, rather than investing efforts of prospect that has no potential to convert. As a whole, we can say that both are lead and deal management tools.

But, Zoho CRM lacks some features such as the batch process of prospects and chat history, along with call list management. The only solution to bridge the gap is by integrating Zoho CRM with Zoho SaleIQ. However, Pipedrive, you can not only deploy an AI-powered chatbot that provides contextual support, but you can also create a real-time consumer-facing chat room with code-free development.

On the other hand, Pipedrive offers detailed insights into the prospects including click tracking to sales influence tracking and geotargeting. Moreover, sales managers can extract and manage data on lead engagement by setting a goal and tracking the progress.

Read More About Zoho Pipedrive Integration

Odoo Integration With Pipedrive

Just like Zoho, Odoo is also known for offering CRM and ERP service that helps managers and executives in optimizing sales processes, streamlining customer communication, and effectively managing a sales pipeline.

However, when it comes to setting account alerts, scheduling appointments, and scanning business cards, only Pipedrive can assist. Besides, all of these features complement by fill the gaps created by the activity management and tracking, appointment management by directly linking with the calendar. At the same time, the detailed analytics on customers and Odoo campaign analytics help in devising an efficient sale pipeline strategy that results in conversion with contextual support.

Read More: Odoo Pipedrive Integration

monday.Com Integration With Pipedrive is project management, cloud-based software that empowers users to efficiently create a custom workflow and track the progress of a sale initiative over time to forecast revenue. Also, it empowers businesses in analyzing a campaign’s success with the help of visualizing tools and intuitive platforms.

But, doesn’t offer benefits other than just providing comprehensive control and agility in project management.

Hence, opting for Pipedrive integration with means you will get to automate your sale process by setting auto-responders for notifying clients for appointment scheduling and linking with the calendar.

In addition to this, the sales managers can devise strategies to manage churn rates. And for customizing content delivery, they can also use the drag-&-drop features to customize the pre-built email templates to match the business tone.

Unlike other CRMs such as Zoho and Odoo, the integration of Pipedrive into, allows the system to synchronize data. To avoid multiple data account, it automatically detects duplication and cleans data.

On the other hand, salespersons can utilize the graphical data presentation features and apply predictive analytics with the help of data modelling and simulation.

Learn More About: Pipedrive Integration

Take Away

If you looking for comprehensive sales and pipeline management solutions then Pipedrive is a must-have. It not only supports the sales manager with the lead track, monitor and appointment scheduling but also empower them to make effective conversion campaign that utilizes past chat histories, page tracking and geotagging.

For Pipedrive integration with Zoho CRM, Odoo, and, Techloyce is offering affordable services. We are certified Zoho Partner and Odoo Partner, providing a one-stop solution for customer CRM and ERP implementation, integrations and training. Contact us for more information.