
Open Source CRM Comparison Complete Guide

You have exposed that CRM software is an essential tool that is being used for all small, medium as well as large businesses corporations. This software is available in both paid and free categories. Paid software can be quite costly as well is not suitable for the small business type. The open source CRM has improved and is comparable to proprietary a programs now. Open source software suits come with same functions and features as paid programs have.

Open Source CRM Comparison

  1. vTiger

Businesses facing issues with proprietary software can utilize vTiger CRM to automate several tasks. The benefit of open source means that it can be customized according to the business requirements. Moreover, it has a cloud version that provides extra flexibility. It removes the limitations of custom migration imposed in other CRM software as well as can be moved to the onsite server in mean time.

  1. SugarCRM

When it is about open source CRM solutions, this software is measured as the back bone of the industry. It has an excellent developer community, as it’s written in PHP. The SugarCRM software works with both MySQL database and Microsoft SQL Server. Furthermore, it can be used for

  • Sales automation
  • Support case
  • Marketing campaign
  • Calendaring
  • Email
  • Many other functions

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This application can also be extended with the latest functionality according to the needs of business. It takes benefit of social media websites which now are a big part of all customer management solutions.

  1. CiviCRM

It is a program of the non-profit public sector as well as organization companies, as it is convenient for working on limited budget companies. It is incorporated with content management systems like Drupal and Joomla. Moreover, it’s a free web based application that allows you to create new contacts via web forms or manually. This open source CRM is extremely beneficial for advocacy and voluntary groups.

 Some of the other features include:

  • Editing of contacts
  • Management of employer/employee relationships
  • Creating groups of contacts for mailing list
  • Access purposes
  1. OpenTap

This complete integrated ERP/CRM application suite assists in managing businesses in a better way. It allows development of features for warehouse, e-commerce, inventory, order, customer management, general ledger, MRP among others. It has Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) that works free of any database. It includes:

  • Microsoft Outlook
  • Web email
  • Mobile phones
  • Easily deployed in cloud
  1. Compiere

It’s a CRM/ERP combined suite that is the best option for a company which needs an open source enterprise business system. The purchase doesn’t involve any upfront cost. Moreover, this solution can be applied to an extensive range of

  • Operating Systems
  • Hardware Platforms
  • Browsers
  • Databases

It is available with a unique model based application platform which is customizable, easy to adapt as well as offers good speed, performance, and customization.

  1. SplendidCRM

However, it’s an open source program but not based on Linux. The SplendidCRM is completely developed on the Microsoft platform. It is suitable for

  • System Integrator
  • Value-added resellers
  • Indirect channel consultants

If companies are looking for an open source CRM solution which is similar to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM can opt for it. Operators find it easy to manage and control. Moreover, it can be customized according to any business needs. The users can restore the code part easily and quickly.

  1. XTuple

It offers real-world problem-solving solutions. While the company is expected as an ERP software provider, CRM is an integral part of this software suite. It is best for new companies that are starting projects on their back and front office software programs. Companies that need to move to more incorporated business applications find it quite useful. All versions have been developed with Qt GUI customer framework as well as PostgreSQL database. It’s full business management software that has several solutions for

  • Crm
  • Purchasing
  • Sales
  • Manufacturing
  • Distribution
  • Inventory
  • Accounting
  • Expenses
  • Time Management
  1. Concursive

It’s integrated software that is available for both onsite as well as SaaS version. It is useful for effective management of

  • Parties
  • Events
  • Fundraisers
  • Formals
  • Other social events

Moreover, it is a customizable interface, as it can be utilized as a marketing application by any local business. In simple words, it’s an effective tool for fundraising, socializing and organizing.

  1. Zurmo

Zurmo comes with complete CRM features like:

  • Contact Management
  • Reporting
  • Bill Tracking
  • Mobile Capabilities

It has an exclusive game feature that benefits people to use this specific system easily. Moreover, it projects itself as a social, gamified and mobile open source CRM. The application has been built via a test-driven methodology that means users can now maintain and create a CRM system that would be custom built with the needed features.


XRMS CRM is an advanced open source web based application that is convenient for businesses to manage

  • Employees
  • Customers
  • Business Partners
  • Activities
  • Contacts

This software solution has sales force automation with some of the Business Intelligence features. It allows the user to manage the information on customers, manage marketing campaigns, keeping contact details as well as track the relationship between companies and contacts. The workflow and the business processes can be used to support clients. Opportunities and activities related to the contacts can be managed and initiated smoothly.

The files can be attached and uploaded for:

  • Cases
  • Campaigns
  • Activities
  • Contacts
  • Companies


Some of these programs are available in professional and paid enterprise versions. Paid options have more functions that are available with technical support service. On the other side, there are numerous advantages of using Open Source CRM Management such as it is

  • Affordable
  • Quick & Easy
  • High level of functionality
  • Users can have software ownership
  • Complete Customizable flexibility

An Open Source CRM Comparison is essential for new business domains to become familiar with CRM environment before managing complex CRM solutions that are paid.

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