
Online Community A Source For Brand To Get Recognition And Awareness

Did you know that a fully developed and maintained online brand community not only reduces the need for marketing and but also becomes a stable source of Revenue? There are two reasons behind this, the first customers are well-connected with brands and secondly, social proof reduces the need for marketers to work on creating brand recognition and awareness.

If you haven’t started working or community development then you will find this article very resourceful. Because here in this article we have discussed 4 essentials reasons to motivate you to aim for community management. Alongside this, you will find benefits that a well-maintained and engaged community can offer to your business.

Reason to build an online Brand Community?

Today, people living in a digital realm are highly connected through social platforms. Still, everyone feels lonely despite spending hours communicating with one another through screen mediation communication. Along with people, many brands and customers report the same feeling of being connected but alone when are operating on the digital platform.

No matter how much time people spend online, they still search for a place to which they can belong, especially, in the wake of COVID-19 lockdown. The reason behind this is not to have a community.

Community creates a sense of belonging. And, the best part is, businesses can create their own community support by connecting with their employee, customers, products, and fans on any social media platform.

In addition to this, creating a digital community helps in giving a human touch with which customers can relate. Besides, it assists in creating an authentic relationship with clients.

What is Community Management?

It is a process of building an online community or a place where people can interact, network with fellow customers, and brand themselves to stay connected.

1. Rich And Detailed Data On Customers

According to Forbes, the average time users spend online using social media has doubled since 2020. Now imagine the consumer who you can not reach directly for face-to-face or infield marketing. What will you do to engage them? Having a brand community can do wonders.

Wondering why? The scaling of the digital community is easy than mapping the outcome of a paid advertisement. Besides, the digital community provides a detailed insight on brand customers, who they are, how they react to your products, and what they are saying about your company.

All of this information combined within a CRM like HubSpot CRM data can help in devising an effective strategy that not only resonates with customers but also provides a valuable experience.

In addition to this, HubSpot social media management software allows marketers to simultaneously manage and engage customers in brand communities across different platforms.

Read: 9 HubSpot Integrations That Will Boost Your Business Efficiency

2. Social Proof

What do brands need the most right now?

A loyal customer base, Stable revenue, and brand recognition, Right?

What if we told you that brand community plays the same role? Yes, it does. When a community on any social media e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, and Instagram interact and share views on social issues is known as an active community.

This active community acts as social proof that tells the tale of how much a brand is active online. On the other hand, this creates and gives the perception of how much a brand is ‘human.’

When it comes to shopping or booking services, people are more likely to trust a brand that peers acknowledge. And, in the era of well-connected digital media, online groups, member counts, content publishing routine, public engagement, the ratio of likes and comments are on the top of the user checklist that helps them in determining the authenticity and social standing of a brand in the market.

3. Word-Of-Mouth & User Generated Content

As a buyer, what do you look into before deciding to buy a product?



Product photos?


Or consult a peer?

Is your answer “everything”?

If yes, then there is news for you.

All customer follows the same pattern before buying anything. And, a satisfied customer or positive feedback from customers in a community can do a ripple effect on your sales.

How? Well, people believe in word of mouth. Therefore, user-generated content speaks with a high volume and is considered more authentic as compared with the reliability of content generated by companies.

In this regard, a digital community platform also acts as a source of content curation where a brand can assign the label of “Start Content” or give  “Loyalty Badges” to the active users who post quality content and reviews in a community.

Only having a common dashboard for all social media communities can help you evaluate, sort, and rate the content of customers. Just like the HubSpot Social Media Management software.

4. A Reliable Source Of New Product Development

With the help of HubSpot marketing tools and HubSpot marketing grader feature offered by HubSpot Service Hub and Marketing Hub, the brand can extract essentials information on customers just by analyzing comments of users, and content published by the customers in the digital community.

Additionally, the content of customers offers deep insight and helps companies in devising marketing strategies, identifying the need of the market and problems of customers. This is also known as the strategy of “Social Listening.”

Read: Social Listening – A Key Substance for Seamless Product Development and Successful Marketing

Simultaneously, the RAW content is considered more authentic than another metric receives by google analytics, MOZ, Uber Suggest, and so on.

Benefits of Community Management

Alongside these reasons, here are some benefits that a company can enjoy just by investing 01% of its marketing revenue.

  1. Increase customer retention with the help of word-of-mouth
  2. Deep insights into customer interaction, expectation, and problems
  3. Authentic source of information
  4. Create a sense of belonging for customers and create a ‘human’ persona of a brand
  5. Users feel connected and valued when a brand directly responds to or curates the content of a community member.

Parting Words

Just like traditional communities, online communities have become a substitute for people to interact, share ideas, or debate issues. But, the digital community has a worldwide impact. This means a well-managed community doesn’t need the efforts to create brand awareness whenever a company launches a product. And, the best tool that can assist you in managing brand communities on multiple platforms is HubSpot Marketing Hub, and HubSpot Social Media Management tool.

For more information on HubSpot integration or HubSpot Implementation, contact Techloyce. We are among the certified HubSpot connect partners, providing HubSpot CRM consulting, HubSpot dynamics integration, and HubSpot website integration to customers.