
Odoo Asset Management Features for Business

Nowadays, in this fast era of rapidly growing technology, businesses are also growing steadily. Therefore, managing valuables becomes a hectic job. Large firms are now opting for Odoo Asset Management software that is developed by several IT companies. It is becoming quite beneficial in managing businesses tangible as well as intangible efficiently. Today, numerous individuals are also accepting the benefit of this ERP management solution, as they can now stand a step ahead in the race of online marketing.

The Need & Importance of Odoo Asset Management

It is not only essential for managing it but also make sure a smooth flow of regular operations. Several Companies’ assets are at stake and in the form of:

  • Land
  • Buildings
  • Stocks & Shares
  • Bonds
  • Liquid Cash
  • Bank Deposits
  • Inventory
  • Machinery
  • Etc

There is no hidden fact that any property are likely to depreciate or appreciate for a particular period. These can be varied either due to age or inflation. Thus, the objective of a company or an individual has to be in maintaining an accurate value for these.

Though, individuals and groups can handle all these efficiently, but, when its volume increases, managing can become risky and tricky. In this scenario, Odoo Management software helps exceptionally. Furthermore, this software is available in various forms and is most economical as well as is being developed by several professional IT companies.

Managing Assets in Odoo – Support following features

  • Assign Asset to employee
  • Location 
  • Custom states
  • Track warranty information
  • States for different team: Warehouse, Finance, Manufacture, Accounting & Maintenance
  • Drag & Drop manage


Some modules for asset management in Odoo are available in the online market. You can easily choose the one that is suitable for your needs. Here, the point to consider is that before opting for any specific module or company’s service it is better to go through your business demands.