
It’s Time To Innovate Your Content Marketing Strategies

Content is everywhere. If you care to look around, you will find tiny alphabets written on your smartphone’s back, shaving cream, or at the website you are visiting. This is Content in Text.

Now look around and see people talking to each other on their smartphones or with each other, it is also the content—The Content in Audio Bits.

Are you a freaking fan of ‘Netflix’? I’m too.

The visual content we can watch for unlimited hours is also the content—The Video Content.

This content is a great source of communicating messages—The Marketing Messages.

Though Netflix is the visual content medium but do you know why even the navigation bar of Netflix contains options for ‘Movies,’ ‘TV Show,’ and ‘My List’?

Well, a one-word answer would be to keep the user hooked.

One cannot view the same content type over and over therefore they have given this option to satisfy every mood of their users. And this is why we all need different sorts of content to understand things differently.

Similarly, it is the case of content marketing.

Regularly, digital content marketers are struggling to gain and retain traffic. Some are stuck with the limitations of creating content, some struggle with relevant traffic against the content, whereas some find conversion of traffic into the lead a difficult job.

If you find yourself in a spot where you are generating the content and getting traffic and still not gaining the required results, then you are following the infinity loop of ‘COSP.’

To explain this further, we have crafted this piece with the intent to identify the problems faced by the content marketing professionals and simultaneously offer some tips that will make content marketing successful. We also explore the HubSpot features to empower content marketing practices.

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‘COSP’ – The Bottleneck of Content Marketing

In digital media, the great challenge of all times is creating content that converts, hooks the audience to your website, and nudges them to buy your product, again and again. For this, the content needs to be evergreen.

However, despite making efforts in upgrading content it still doesn’t convert.

In this article, we have identified the key bottlenecks and summarized the whole narrative into a four-letter acronym, COSP.

So, here the COSP is an abbreviation of,

C—Creating Content with No Specific Goal

O—Organic Traffic with No Conversion

S—Satisfying the Taste of Few

P—Performance of the Content

Let’s have a look at what these issues are and how their understanding makes your content marketing smarter and optimized:

1. Creating Content with No Specific Goal

The first and foremost problem of a content marketer is they keep on writing. Just trying to fill the daily task assigned to them, entirely for the search engine to crawl, index, and include content into search results.

Wait, this practice is not entirely wrong, yes you need to focus on search engine optimization to let it crawl through the content and rank your content in the search engine pages and only then you can reach your target audience.

Here you need to know that SERP is all about relevancy for which it uses comprehensive metrics and criteria, along with algorithms that evaluate content.

So if you are not meeting the targets then it means regular posting and content creation have some loopholes that need to be addressed on the account of the content creator.

When the content is created with the intent to gain traffic but no specific plan of action is there that suggests traffic to react in one way or either, it means the traffic is not guided.

Rather, every piece produced should have a clear, concise, and measurable CTA—Call-to-Action. And, when the traffic has shown intent like sharing or hit the CTA, only then the loop can be completed.

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2. Organic Traffic and No Conversion

Do you know what comes after creating content even it doesn’t have any specified goal?

It’s Traffic!

Yes, content does bring traffic when it ranks, no matter what it talks about. That includes un-intended or irrelevant traffic as well that we have discussed earlier.

Intended or unintended, sometimes organic traffic increases the bounce rate of content, particularly, when the requirements are not met or when the content does not appease the appetite of visitors. Later this significantly affects the credibility of the source. Also gives the impression to the search engine that the source doesn’t provide what it claims hence.

And, having an influx of traffic with no conversion is the worst thing for content marketing.

For instance, you post blogs regularly but on Instagram, occasional posted content results in more conversions than the blog with over 100k readers.

So, what should be your goal here?

We suggest relevant and optimized content that brings targeted traffic and offers more opportunity for conversions than the bounce rate.

3. Satisfying The Taste of Few

Another problem associated with unclear content marketing is the content has a narrow satisfaction curve which only benefits a few.

For instance, our company, Techloyce provides consultation services for 5 or more SaaS products, including integration, implementation, training, and support. Hence in such a case devising a marketing strategy that only addresses and produces the content related to two products e.g. HubSpot Marketing Automation, and HubSpot Services Hub will only serve the interest of HubSpot users while Zoho, Odoo, and SugarCRM’s tons of well-paying follower will leave the platform for good while creating a targeted strategy for each product with defined customer personas for each service yield more quality traffic and offer more conversions along with reduced bouncing rate.

4. Performance Of Content

The last thing on our list of content marketing problems is not measuring the performance of the content regularly. This means the content marketers are letting the opportunity go of their hands which could have resulted in conversion. These metrics include measuring user behaviour, content engagement and user movement, SEO outcome, and company revenue fluctuation with the change in content consistency and quality.

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Solution and Tips to Enhance Content Marketing Efficiency

Here are some tips that are proven to be effective in improving content marketing strategy.

1. Know Your Audience And Create Content That Resonates

No matter how much we stress the importance of knowing the audience, still, it would be not enough. Halt your thoughts on interviewing your customer to know their need and preference. Because knowing your audience means creating ‘Buyer Persona’ and then structuring content to match the needs and problems associated with the buyers’ needs. This enhances the content relevancy for the users.

2. Publish Content With The Intent To Solve Problem And Off Course CTA

The second thing that could enhance the orientation of content is having a clear goal. In digital marketing, the goal means the specified CTAs. Stay focused on keywords and craft articles around the related topic, and the gist should be solving the problem and motivating visitors to click on CTA.

3. Topic Clustering & User Intend

Up until now, the content produced and published on the web was scattered, this makes need gratification difficult for the visitor. Therefore, it is recommended to adopt a ‘Pillar Clustering’ content strategy. This means, organizing the content into topics and linking them with other relevant content.

By doing so, you’ll be organizing and cleaning the cluster of backlinks into the network. This way crawling and indexing of content become easier for search engines and for the visitor to navigate.

4. Increase Content Credibility With Stats

Another tip to improve the credibility of content is research citation or inclusion of statistics. In addition to statics, it is important to include charts and graphs. Content seems more credible when it cites or refers to the more credible links and resources from highly authorized sites or libraries.

5. Explore Other Content-Format And Platforms

If you are just focusing on written words, then there is news for you. It’s time to target other content formats such as video, GIF, interactive charts, audio, live discussion, Vlogging, and seminars.

This opens up the opportunity for content marketers to convert text into platform-specific content. It means you can target your audience on multiple platforms e.g. YouTube, Instagram, Linked In, Pinterest, etc. by changing a single piece of blog content into video, and graphs to enhance user engagement.

Take Away…

Digital media is all about content and quality. The algorithms have become adaptive to screening content and filtering the feed screen of users by content types that resonate with their views, searches, and content preferences.

Every industry has a segregated audience, it is important to keep the persona and need of followers in mind before investing efforts in content creation.

And, if you are wonder which SaaS tool can help in this regard then HubSpot Marketing Automation has got everything you need. To customize or modify HubSpot Marketing Hub and for HubSpot Inbound Consulting, reach out to Techloyce today!