
If You Are Exploring WFH Options for Your Employees, is Your One-Stop Source

Since last year, the whole world is fighting against the pandemic spread. Every day, the statistics regarding corona patients and deaths scare everyone. Social circles, religious gatherings, and even the corporate sectors are still looking for workable avenues to bring things under control. When the first wave of coronavirus struck the world, everyone was unprepared. Now, things are becoming clearer to people and they are getting used to the changed lifestyle.

SaaS businesses came up with different options to facilitate the business community to let their employees remotely work. If you are looking for a reliable platform to manage the WFH of your big team, you can opt for project management with It offers you easy-to-use work-from-home templates once you have created your account. As the situation of coronavirus spread differs from country to country, there are many templates so as to be used according to varying needs. For example, countries like China where the situation is under control can go for post-covid templates, etc.

The feasible and customizable templates of can help you in telecommuting in the following ways:

Communication Planning

One of the hurdles for companies working for both national and international clients was to manage their communications. Now, you can do work-from-home with and use their Project Communication Plan template. Though you can customize this board, it is so easy to use as it is that you can start working on it right away. It is your go-to option for both internal and external communications. stands out among competitors because of its user-friendly interface. Its communication templates are also feasible.

Document and Resource Management

Documentation is one of the important parts of every business. If you are using a template for communication, you will need to use the template for document sharing as well. There are many types of information that a company needs to share internally and externally. For the safe and manageable sharing of documents, you can use Team Document and Resources template. This board will provide an information center to your team where the same and accurate documented information will remain accessible for all.

 Assigning and Managing Daily Tasks

A pro-active approach to run an organization suggests that one must have pre-decided daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly tasks for their employees. When covid started to spread, all of a sudden, people had to be confined in their homes. Many companies were not ready for this. Their servers were not completely accessible from the homes of their employees. At that time, remote working with showed ways to the business community and many other organizations. People were provided with the feasibility to work just like they used to have in pre-covid times. The Daily Team Task template keeps the assignee and the assignor updated about the status of the tasks.

Content Request Management

If you run a SaaS business, the content would be needed for your products off and on. However, when all employees work remotely it is hard to place a request to the right person and get the content at the right time. has a Content Request template that will help the team of content writers track the content requests and address them. All other teams would also know there is a board where they can easily place their content requests.

Monitoring of All Projects

When pandemic wreaked havoc by the end of 2019, people thought it will be impossible to manage all departments and projects running in these departments from home. It is proven wrong because provides a Projects Overview Tracking board. The performance and progress of every project can be kept monitored with this template. More than a year has passed, and no organization can afford to lose track of its projects.

Also Read: What is Features, Modules, and Use-Cases for Businesses

Track the Employee Health Status

The root cause of shifting to telecommuting is coronavirus. It is crucial to have a record of the health status of all employees Employee Quarantine Status template helps in tracking those employees who are at risk of covid-19. A complete record can be traced and kept in the record including their clearance status. There is another template, Covid-19 Risk Assessment. Employees and their health are directly proportional to the success of a company. Nothing can help you more than these templates when it comes to the health record of your team.

Social Media Planning

Today, almost all companies need a social media outlook to maintain. The template of Social Media enables you to make a calendar for the content. This template helps a lot in making your social media marketing strategies. Even if you have completed your social media calendar, your strategy can fail. With the help of this tool, you will even know the right time to post, enlist goals and objectives, add analysis on competitors, your content writing and posting strategy, and a lot more.

Management of Freelancers

There are many SaaS-providing companies. They have their in-house teams as well as teams of freelancers. When you plan the WFH policy, you cannot miss freelancers. The Freelance Manager template is a part of the package of project management software It streamlines the work from the side of freelancers. You will be able to access the progress and their tasks at any time.

The situation that the coronavirus outbreak created in the recent past was unexpected for everyone. People have accepted that bringing everything back on track will take time but organizations cannot be at a halt. They need to run not only for their own revenue but for the economy as a whole. If it is difficult to manage your teams which are now scattered due to covid-19 then consider the templates mentioned above.

If you are interested in knowing more about the services that, Techloye is their official partner. It can help you in finding the integration that suits your business and the templates that will streamline your work-from-home plan.