
What Are HubSpot Inbound Marketing Consultants and Why You Most Likely Need Them

What are consultants, if not people? And what is so special about HubSpot inbound marketing consultants, anyway, that they warrant so much importance in the market and command such high salaries from you? The answer may be more straightforward than you think.

What Are HubSpot Inbound Marketing Consultants?

To understand what HubSpot Inbound Marketing Consultants are, we need to first understand what HubSpot is and why it matters. HubSpot is an inbound marketing and sales platform that aids businesses in attracting, engaging, and, ultimately, delighting consumers. It provides digital tools to help businesses develop and prosper in content production, lead generation, customer relationship management, and analytics.

Read more: HubSpot Inbound Consulting

A HubSpot inbound marketing consultant, therefore, offers you consultations that aim to improve your onboarding and implementation of the software to maximize its potential. These services are usually in the following fields:

  1. Sales
  2. Marketing
  3. Customer service
  4. Web Development

However, these are fields in which most general HubSpot consultants do have expertise and thus can provide you guidance. Why, then, you might ask, do you require the services of a HubSpot inbound marketing consultant? Those HubSpot inbound marketing consultants who specialize specifically in marketing, are able to offer guidance on a list of fields such as the following:

  1. Content creation
  2. Search engine optimization

These fields, among others, are the specialties of  HubSpot inbound marketing consultants that put them a level above other, more generalized HubSpot consultants who simply offer expertise in a less specialized set of fields.

In this blog post, we will be going into detail about why you need separate HubSpot consultants in each of these two fields. In covering each field, we will also delve deeper into the importance of having a consultant for each of these fields to determine their efficacy.

  1. Content creation

HubSpot inbound marketing consultants who specialise in content creation first conduct in depth research of two things: of the social media scape in which your business will be competing with its competitors, and then of your business’ existing system to see which of its components can be best leveraged for the business’ best projection on social media. They identify existing themes and trends that can be used to up your business’s presence on social and that also gel well with your business’s brand image.

The following statistic shows how the areas of focus of social media marketers are so diverse and multifold. This just speaks to the diversity of the social media scape in today’s age.

Likewise, these consultants also specialize in understanding the mood and wants of the audience on social media. The thing with social media is that it can be a very fickle outlet for engaging with an audience as, unlike more traditions forms of media like print and news media, the audience on social media is too diverse and too uncontrollabe. You simply cannot predict what the next big hit is going to be on social media and so an effective consultant will be one who understands this inherent reality of social media and tailors your company’s marketing strategy around it.

The issue, however, after one achieves the step of content creation, is that of distribution. How do we distribute this content responsibly on social media so that it reaches the right audience? Again, an efficient consultant will identify the correct platforms that will deliver you to the right audience to make sure that you are not wasting your business’ marketing energies and resources on an audience that, owing to the specificity of the platform, they will not be able to reach. Say, you’re a business that caters almost exclusively to old people in retirement homes. A good social media consultant for HubSpot should tell you that it is futile to market your business on TikTok as that social media app heavily skewers towards people in their teens and 20s.

Read more: HubSpot Marketing Hub

  1. Search engine optimization (SEO)

HubSpot inbound marketing consultants that specialise in SEO primarily carry out audits of their client’s online presence via assessing their business’s website performance, keyword targeting, and overall SEO health. Using HubSpot’s SEO tools such as on-page optimization, meta tags, and URL structure, these consultants are able to identify problems points in the company’s online presence and suggest room for improvement where they may be any.

Finding the most effective keywords is the backbone of all SEO management. If your SEO managers are unable to find the right keywords for you, no matter how good of a blog you may write, it simply will not reach its full potential; in other words, a blog written on badly researched keywords is doomed from the start. Therefore, efficient HubSpot SEO consultants will use HubSpot inbound tools to identify well-performing keywords, craft suitable headings and titles, and eventually make sure that the content being produced performs well with all the important search engines.

Link building is also a crucial way in which SEO consultants can make sure that the business’s content performs well. This can be done through guest-posting, reaching out to influencers, and content promotion. Doing all this ensures that the content is being well taken care of and is being sufficiently marketing so that it reaches its right audience and then snowballs its reach to even reach audience that may not be actively searching for it but may still find the content useful. It also helps in bringing useful traffic to the business that eventually uplifts the business’ profile in the market as more and more people start to become aware of it.


HubSpot inbound marketing consultants play an important role in assisting businesses in succeeding in the digital space by giving professional advice in content production and search engine optimisation (SEO). These consultants have extensive understanding of the HubSpot platform and specialise in specialised disciplines such as marketing, providing useful insights and tactics suited to the specific needs of a business.