
Finding the Best CRM for Sales Management

All Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software are designed and developed keeping in view the demands in the market. However, there is no CRM that can fulfil the needs of every business. That’s the reason behind making CRMs highly flexible and scalable. Every customer visiting a vendor has his own requirements and his satisfaction leads to improvement in sales. Following are the major challenges that sales departments face all over the world:

  • Converting leads into customers
  • Training and communication with sales representatives
  • Prioritizing the sales activities

This article takes on the different features of SugarCRM, Salesforce CRM, and Suite CRM assisting in sales management.

SugarCRM vs. Salesforce vs. SuiteCRM—Sales Management in CRMs

CRM is not a quick fix developed to help the sales department face the challenges mentioned above. People who want to adopt a CRM need to mull over various factors. If you want CRM that suits your business needs and cater to sales challenges then Techloyce has certified CRM and ERP consultants to help you.

Following are the comparative features of different CRMs to make your decision of adopting a CRM for sales management that best serves your requirement for efficient sales management:

Qualifying & Converting A Lead

The sales process starts with prospecting and qualifying the leads. At this stage, a person starts showing interest in the product line of a company. Companies try to keep their sales funnel full. All CRMs follow a process to convert a lead to a customer.

Salesforce has three options to convert a lead to a customer. Lead is converted into an opportunity and a win depends on many other factors. You can convert a lead to an opportunity as soon as someone raises a hand but here the chances of getting a win will remain limited. The other popular trend in the sales departments is to convert the lead to the opportunity when a meeting is fixed between the two parties. Another option that Salesforce provides is to convert those leads to opportunities that show an absolute interest in buying and you have a margin of raising the price for them.

In SuiteCRM you can convert a lead to contact, account, and opportunity. SuiteCRM also provides the feasibility to check if there is some duplicity of data.

SugarCRM not only follows the standard method of lead qualifying and converting but also lets the leads provide their own information by filling in lead capture forms. Here the Lead Module is quite extensive. It makes the sales pipeline more streamlined.

Insight into Customer Data

Presently, sales are unthinkable without customer data. Companies try to collect and manage customer data as much as possible. This data shows sales & purchase patterns and makes predictions, enabling sales teams to develop seamless sales strategies.

The HD interface of the SugarCRM equipped with all the run-time analytics makes it the right choice to dive deep into the customer data and find solutions fixing the pain points along the data trail.

If you are able to track the customer journey, you can manage your sales in a better way. Customers visit social media platforms, websites, and other online platforms. SuiteCRM tracks the journey of customers to collect maximum data. A better understanding of the customer journey can assist in improving the customer experience.

Salesforce is also a leading name when comes to capturing and maintaining customer data. They focus on their to-be customers so, they have to keep a humongous amount of data.

 Sales Forecasting

Data is not collected just to be kept securely, it is also utilized to make sales predictions and track customer behaviours. SugarCRM speedily shows a graphical representation of the data. It helps a lot in observing sales and purchase patterns. You can make sales policies based on this data. You can also change the policy if you see some new sales pattern showing up with time.

Forecasting with the help of Salesforce means the predictions about the sales of a week, month, and year. Every organization has its own datasets so, Salesforce has a customizable forecasting feature. It can forecast between the date ranges selected by the user.

Sales Forecast and Quote management of SuiteCRM allows to track the details of sales. When you use SuiteCRM, you can check the performance of sales and find opportunities for the future.

Quote Management

Many buyers demand to have details of the services and costs that a company offers. These details are formally provided to the buyers in the form of a quotation. It is different from an invoice because the function of both does not match. Quote management is an important part of sales management. SuiteCRM facilitates its users with the option of getting personal sales quotes. In this CRM there is a dedicated module to generate a pretty detailed quotation.

SugarCRM also offers the feature of quote management and lets users generate multi currency invoices and quotes. Here quote is generated in pdf format. Another CRM that has taken a lead in the context of quotes is Salesforce. It has a quote-to-cash process. It provides sales managers with complete control over the sales process. Various sales functions are performed under this process.

The selection of the CRM for your business is an important decision. You can get help at Techlyce because they are official partners to several leading business solutions providers. Our certified consultants consider the budget, business requirements, and sales strategy to come up with the best fit for your company. For exclusively tailored solutions, you must get consultancy. For better business, better sales, and better customer care, let Techloyce be part of your plan because our experts are know-it-all and make fail-safe plans.