
Boost Sales with the Business Intelligence Powered by Zoho Analytics

Today, there is no sales department of any company in the world that runs without having sales data. Companies get data from different sources. They analyze this data and extract the information that can help in their business growth. The corporate sector is becoming more and more competitive. The sales departments have to track not only the sales of their customers but also collect data about sales growth, targets, and product performance. Business Intelligence (BI) is all about extracting useful information from raw data. When it comes to sales, BI has taken a leap to Sales Intelligence (SI). Zoho Analytics is the software that functions to analyze, visualize, and get insights from the data thereby, facilitating the SI process.

BI powered by Zoho Analytics effectively turns datasets into detailed and actionable reports. These reports can be used by sales experts to devise a timely response. Proficient Zoho consultants can help you integrate Zoho Analytics to enhance the performance of your sales department. Effective sales reports delivered to sales reps can surely boost sales. Following are the ways Zoho Analytics can help sales teams:

Connectivity with Data Sources

Data used by SI analysts is not at a one defined place rather it is extracted from cloud storage, web feeds, and online or offline applications. The data can also be imported from CSV, HTML, or XML files to the Zoho Analytics software. If your data sources are diverse, there is nothing to worry about because this software can blend data from different sources. For instance, you need a report to compare marketing and sales data, Zoho Analytics can combine both datasets for analysis through cross-functional analysis.

Visual Representations of Data

What would you prefer a well-written analysis of an HTML file or its graphical representation? Through Zoho Analytics, the user does not need any technical expertise to visually represent the data. A simple drag and drop feature of this software can be used to make tables and charts. For example, if you want to devise your policy for sales by considering the sales and market value of certain products. You can easily do that yourself with the advanced features of Zoho Analytics.

In-depth Data Analysis

SI experts are aware of the fact that customer retention is beneficial for their company rather than convincing the new customers. To be able to track the buying patterns of customers, SI analysts need to go through sales data. Zoho Analytics is the platform that feasibly enables a person to analyze the data of every customer. Other than customer retention, sales data is also used to make predictions for future sales. For example, different brands spend years studying sales and purchase patterns. They target record sales on the events like Black Friday. If you are aiming at better sales on this Black Friday then sales intelligence through Zoho Analytics is for you. It generates data insights that can directly benefit the sales. With the help of these insights, chances of error can be reduced and a better sales policy can be devised.

The concepts of AI (Artificial Intelligence) are also used to make data analysis efficient. Zoho Analytics with AI-powered assistant is capable of auto-blending, forecasting, generating data alerts, and a lot more.

Also Read: Zoho Partners & Zoho Consultants

Report Sharing

When BI experts get data analysis from Zoho Analytics in the form of reports, they can share it with other teammates. Conversations can also be held to discuss reports. So, there is no need to use a separate tool for report sharing. Teammates with whom reports are shared can access them if they are online. Groups can also be formulated for easier communication of data reports. For example, if a BI expert created a report, he can make a group by adding other members from the sales team as well. Sales experts can further communicate this information with their sales representatives.

Scalability of the Software

The demands of sales departments of different companies can differ. Zoho Analytics facilitates the sales intelligence teams with its flexibility and scalability. Zoho shares a complete document regarding the scalability of this platform. The performance of the application is not affected even when the data tables have millions of rows (data entries depend on the requirement of the sales department).

Data Security

The story does not end with the analysis of sales data and its predictions to increase the sale. The security of data is a very important factor that cannot be neglected. Zoho Analytics provides assurity of data security. There are certain market standards regarding data security. Zoho claims to follow them. Zoho Analytics does not collect personal information of users but just statistics required for data predictions.

All these advanced features of Zoho Analytics have broadened the avenues for sales intelligence analysts. If you want to have a fair knowledge about it then Zoho consultants at Techloyce can offer Zoho consultancy.