
Be the Boss! Tune-up your email Marketing Strategy For HD-CX

No matter how much the users have shifted to online and social media channels, email still accounts for more effectiveness than a visual advertisement on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. McKinsey reported email yield 3X more response then social media platform and email click-through rate is 45%. Just imagine the power of email being doubled, if you provide contextual content. For this, you can leverage HubSpot CRM.

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Read: How HubSpot Takes Your Sales and Marketing to the Next Level

Here in this article, you will find the best practices to innovate email marketing, and whys you can leverage HubSpot CRM data for effective email campaigns.

Improve Email Marketing by Leveraging CRM

One of the best things about the CRM is, it hosts a pool of data, that contains deep insights on who your subscribers are, where they live, what they like, and complete histories about past purchases. All of these insights play a significant role for marketing and helps them in structuring content, developing long & short-term strategies and campaign that focuses on sale leads to sale conversion. Among many forms of marketing e.g. email, blog, infographic, e-books, and white papers, etc. email still holds the top place with 42:1 ROI. Many studies and reports favour email marketing as it produces 40X more effective conversion and engagement than Twitter and Facebook together.

To summarize, email offers more room to the marketer for advertising, entice and engage customers. Mainly because, it is outside the compliance regulation of search engines, websites, and social media platforms.

The magic starts to happen when you combine the CRM’s deep data and automation with your email campaign. This helps in devising personalize messages, which have a high probability of CTA clicks.

  1. Personalize and Relevant Email

The customer data in CRM can be categorised into the region, culture, product purchases, views, activity history, website visits, etc. all of these statistics helps the marketing team with CRM automation for custom content distribution. This means you can create personas on HubSpot to understand the client and send personalized contextual content to each subscriber in your email list. Such content results in Higher ROI and in providing High Definition Customer Experience.

Pro Tip: Make sure to include coupons and deals with the specified period. This way, customers will feel valued and more likely to click on CTA.

  1. Hyper-Personalize Campaigns

These are those kinds of messages in which the subscriber is targeted directly. The information such as area code, location, email, cell number, and social platform information provides a holistic overview of what your customer likes and prefers to read, view, and interact with. This helps the marketing department in campaign optimization and tailoring.

Furthermore, such personalized messages resonate with the audience on a more personal and cultural level.

  1. Hit Your Customer with Relevant Content

Successful advertisements and marketing strategies are those, which aim to answer the queries of your customers and solutions-oriented. But, the era of social media, has raised the bar for the marketer. This means the content that doesn’t resonate with the customers will not see the light of day.

To resolve this, matric and details of customers provided by the CRM seemed useful because they are not altered, comprehensive in nature, and provide a holistic view of customers’ behaviour throughout the buyer journey.

Pro Tip: The first step should be to create a buyer persona and then content positioning.

This automatically sends the relevant data e.g. buyer guides, instruction manual for payment, or promotional content to the prospective buyer. Moreover, 90% of email subscribers are likely to open the email. This means, your efforts won’t go to waste and your higher email open rate will compliment your email marketing strategy.

  1. High ROI on Every Penny

Despite what your perception is about the rise of social media such as, Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp being the primary source of customer engagement, Email marketing still results in higher ROI. In fact, with every penny spend on the email you will witness a 42:1 return on investment. Moreover, 80% of business investment is paid off by successful email conversions.

Pro Tip: The visual of email matters a lot. Customers have no time to read a lengthy paragraph, be sure to be concise, and to the point.

How CRM Resolves Top 3 Challenges of Email Marketing

Unlike in the past, nudging customer to open your message and click on CTA is almost impossible. For real results, you had to take innovative steps. The success of email marketing is heavily dependent on how deep your data is and, quality of subscribers. Here the question arises, what to do with this data, how to leverage and extract insights? Utilizing Excel is not enough, for deep insights only marketing CRM can help you.

Learn More About HubSpot CRM – How is it a Powerful Business Software?

  • The best thing is HubSpot CRM lets you integrate, import, and export datato and fro from multiple applications. Hold on! This doesn’t stop there; you can even visualize your data in real-time to acquire knee insights, within few clicks.
  • The second challenge for email marketers is, keeping subscriber lists & data up to date. And, HubSpot CRM integrated with social media platforms can do wonders. This lets you record every bit of information and thus your data remain fresh and valuable. The email response, click-through rate, and open rate allow you to rate and categorize customers for sale leads.
  • Unlike traditional marketing, HubSpot CRM helps you send contextual content to the subscribers, this saves a lot of effort and resources for the marketing department.

Concluding Remarks…

Email marketing holds many benefits. To name a few, it requires less budget and yields high returns on investment. With every penny, you will get $42 returns. Moreover, the information presented in an email is so compact, precise, and visually rich, that one can extract the core message at a single glance. Thus, the reader won’t have to make much effort to decipher the message. All of these things make email marketing effective. The power of email marketing is double when it is paired with HubSpot CRM’s marketing and sale hub.

So, if you want consultation regarding HubSpot implementation or have any queries about HubSpot CRM integrations, contact HubSpot CRM consultants at Techloyce today!