
Manage, Maintain, Sort, And Assign Vehicles With Odoo Fleet Management Application

Telematic is a technology that allows you to track, monitor, and manage every vehicle in your fleet in a stroke of few keys. Now the vehicle management is not restricted to just monitoring a vehicle. But it takes a step further into comprehensive fleet management which allows you to view every critical information about the vehicle from your computer screen. It includes details related to vehicle location coverage, fuel consumption, maintenance details, and so on.

So, if you are running a business that provides services like relocation, travelling, or intercity commute assistance then moving from manual vehicle management to Odoo Fleet Management Software can do wonders for you.

In the UK, Canada, Australia, and America, you can contact Techloyce. We are one of the recognized Odoo partners with a team of skilled Odoo Consultants. We provide services related to Odoo Fleet Management Software implementation, integration, and support.

Read More: Say No To Disconnected Software And Abrupt Communication With Odoo ERP

Problems Of Automotive Industry Working With Multiple Fleets

Fleet can include anything, whether it is heavy-duty track management, taxi stands management, or simply the vehicles of car rental company or Airbuses.

When it comes to Telematics, the most pressing problems faced by the fleet management industries are as follow:

Businesses that are solely earning revenue from the vehicle have to do a lot to earn profit while keeping the fleet in its optimal condition. With manual vehicle management, you cannot measure the accurate cost spent on a single vehicle e.g., lease cost, fuel cost, maintenance cost, toll cost, and distance covered. Along with this, you may not manage geofencing.

Another pressing problem is providing quality customer services that not only offer accountability, and transparency, also offer swift complaint management.

This problem worsens when a customer lodge a complaint about the unsatisfactory driver behaviour or vehicle condition, and the company can’t hold the driver responsible for the act because the manual record can be altered without leaving a single trace.

How Odoo Fleet Application Integrated With ERP and CRM Can Benefit?

Every problem comes with a solution. In the case of fleet management, a reliable solution available in the market is the Odoo Fleet Management application. It is designed to address every problem faced concerned with fleet management. With Fleet integration into Odoo CRM or ERP, you will get the following results.

1. One-Click Vehicle Documentation

In a fleet, every vehicle is considered a unit. The success of every unit is entirely dependent on its condition. Hence, the Odoo fleet allows you to manage and view every significant detail about a vehicle ranging from the insurance or lease expenditure to vehicle operation details.

The metric produced by the Odoo empowers the fleet manager to view the total cost required to maintain a vehicle and the profit it generated over a year. Thus, based on these metrics, the fleet manager can cut costs by removing the vehicle that costs more than another vehicle.

2. Odometer Value

The best thing about the Odoo is it empowers you to measure the odometer value of a vehicle. By this, we mean, the entire history of distance covered by vehicle, information, and detail related to a driver, fuel consumption cost, and customer data. Wanna know why these are important? Because all of these metrics allow you to make an informed decision by weighing the profit produced by a single vehicle to the cost required to keep it in optimal condition. Additionally, it reduces uncommon behaviour and unauthorized vehicle usage.

Additionally, the metrics allow you to improvise the route, upgrade the vehicle and refurbish the interior based on customer requirements on a particle route. Besides, you can also opt for Geofencing, which means to restrict the commercial car from entering into a residential zone and vice versa.

3. Rightsizing

A vehicle that doesn’t produce any profit is considered a deficit for the company. To eliminate such concerns, Odoo Fleet can help you in rightsizing your fleet based on actual data e.g., cost spend on fuel, paying insurance fee or contract payment, maintenance cost, etc. It also offers comprehensive insights into market demand and customer needs. So, if you have several limousines and the demand for the economical car is high, then, the Odoo metrics will help you in resizing and rightsizing your vehicle fleet.

Remember, rightsizing your fleet is a good thing than spending money on something that produces no profit. Also while doing rightsizing, you can widen your fleet by purchasing cars or cabs that are needed by the clients.

4. Integration with HR & Accounts Department

Odoo Fleet connects the vehicle data with the HR and accounts departments. This way, every communication, vehicle information, and expenditure are synced with the accounts department in real-time. Thus, it makes every expenditure transparent. Moreover, this makes evaluation easier for a fleet company that is expanding or downsizing the vehicle base.

Learn More: Odoo ERP A Complete Solution For HR Department

5. Revolutionize Customer Service

One of the most important advantages of Odoo Fleet is it connects customers directly with the system through CRM. This means the response, complaint, experience synched with the system hence a manager can resolve any complaint in real-time by tracking data from vehicle boarding to destination.

Additionally, it empowers the customer to view details such as driver profile, vehicle information, arrival time, along the time it will take to reach the destination.


Managing a fleet of dozens of vehicles require attention to details, this means to take a proactive approach to cut vehicle cost down and improve the quantity of vehicle that is needed by the customer. In this initiative, Odoo Fleet management can help.

For implementation and integration of Odoo Fleet with your ERP and CRM, you can contact Techloyce.