
Amazon Route 53

Utilize Effective Way to Route End Users and Give Exceptional Customer Experience with AWS Route 53 Consulting

Amazon Route 53 Consulting is designed to help developers and companies with discovering the benefits of Amazon Route 53. As a credited provider of Amazon Web Services, Techloyce provides exceptional support to clients in all things related to improving their performance with AWS. One of these tools is Amazon Route 53, which basically provides a highly scalable and available cloud Domain Name System web service.

Amazon Route 53 effectively routes users to infrastructure running in AWS like Amazon S3 buckets. Moreover, the reason why it is highly available and reliable because of how it connects the end-users to your applications. If your application endpoint is unavailable, then Amazon Route 53 will make sure that your users are re-routed to an alternate location.

Everything you need to know about Amazon Route 53

Amazon Route 53 Consulting with Techloyce will help you discover the flexibility of Amazon Route 53, which will allow you to make use of the flexibility of traffic routes. With Amazon Route 53, traffic is controlled on the basis of multiple criteria like geographic location or endpoint health. The traffic policies can be controlled by your developers, who will decide which decides which policies are active at one point. Within Amazon Route 53 console, you can easily configure multiple traffic policies as well as edit them in the simple visual editor. You can also easily roll back your traffic policies because Amazon Route 53 saves all of your changes made in traffic policies, and changes can be made using the console. Amazon Route 53 also helps developers with self-service sign-up, which makes DNS management easy and straightforward.

With our Amazon Route 53 Consulting, you will be able to configure your DNS settings within minutes. Easy to use API and AWS Management Console helps in the configuration process and perform easy integration of Amazon Route 53 API into your web application. This tool can also be used with other Amazon Web Services tools like EC2 instances or Amazon S3 buckets. Other than simplicity, Amazon Route 53 also offers automatic routing of users to the optimal location, which will improve your customer’s experience. This is done by traffic policies, which ensures that your end users are routed to the healthiest endpoint of your application.

Amazon Route 53 Consulting at Techloyce also provides that clients are using scalable and cost-effective services. The use of Amazon Route 53 only entails paying for the cost of resources to be used. This includes a number of queries for each of your domains, health checks, and traffic policies as well. Moreover, AWS Route 53 Consulting will allow you to discover how to make your domains more secure. With AWS Route 53, you can grant unique credentials and permissions for viewing your applications.

Work with Techloyce for Premium Services

All in all, AWS Route 53 Consulting is a part of our extensive AWS professional services. Our high-quality services enable our clients to fully utilize the features and tools of all Amazon Web Services to develop quality applications. Moreover, AWS Route 53 Consulting also helps with scalability, better performance, and development of all applications to ensure improved customer service. Our AWS consultants work tirelessly with clients to ensure success in their short and long term projects. As one of the leading AWS certified partners, we have made sure that our services include extensive AWS tools, and with our guidance, your routing process and customer experience with AWS Route 53 Consulting will be exceptional.