
All You Need to Know about Agile Project Management With

Are you planning to adopt agile project management software? Don’t know whether you should opt for agile method or not? Then this peace will surely help you in reaching a conclusive decision.

The first thing you need to know about agile project management is, it is responsive and flexible to change, unlike conventional methods. Today you will find all the right agile project management features in It is a project management software that offers multiple pre-built themes that you can use for instantly begin project management process with ease. Besides, you can integrate multiple applications to customize it to match your needs for communication and data visualization.

For a quick overview and quotes, you can contact dozens of consultants and partners, like Techloyce, who will remotely implement to your system or integrate any third-party application in a short span.

Here in this article, we have addressed the concept of agile project management, along with must-have features in agile project management software. And, how’s feature offers a complete agile solution to the business.

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What is Agile Project Management?

Agile project management is an iterative process, in which everything works in a cycle. And, a project is delivered to the prospects throughout the project lifecycle, instead of delivering the final product at once.

Unlike conventional e.g., waterfall or scrum project management, it provides a quick Go-to-Market convenience with one feature. Later the testing and customer feedback helps in improving the results.

The aim behind agile project management is to improve efficiency and remove the error as the project proceeds. Moreover, it allows you to leverage customer feedback in real-time utilize it to either improve the project or terminate it together to avoid failure.

Agile project management revolves around the concepts of trust, flexibility, collaboration, and empowerment. In today’s world, the concept of agility is provided by

It is a complete software that provide all the basic feature of agility, e.g., visualization, progress tracking, an ecosystem for collaboration, and much more. For the consultation, you can contact Techloyce. We are ranked among reliable partners, for providing unparallel service and support.

Features Of Agile Project Management Software

Some of the essential features that an agile project management software has are:

1. Progress Visualization.

Without the visualization, the project management software is nothing. Because the visualization allows the executives to view the progress, priority, and completion status at a glance but also helps the teams determine the priority of the tasks.

2. Collaboration.

When it comes to project management, the collaboration between the different teams is the essence. And offer this.

3. Communication.

A team collaboration can’t succeed when the members have to switch between applications to connect with one another. Hence, the most important prerequisite of agile software is to have a common platform for team communication. So that, maximum efficiency can be achieved.

4. Estimation.

The third and most reliable element of project management is the estimation, including the duration a project will take to complete, along with the progress made on a certain project.

5. Customer Portal.

This is the most important aspect of agile project management. As they aim to market the product and work on its improvement, therefore, it is important to have a customer portal in place that allows them to give feedback in real-time. This later helps the developer in project improvement.

Difference Between Agile and Other Conventional Project Management

There are 4 major differences between agile and traditional project management.

  1. First, agile is highly flexible in terms of changes and modifications.
  2. Secondly, agile project management offers supreme control to the team member, and thus, the incorporation of changes, modifications, and improvement are dealt with instantly. However, in traditional project management, the responsibility lies with the manager and thus, the process is a slowdown.
  3. Third, the agile process aims to deliver a product that the customer needs. It is heavily dependent on the feedback of the customer and the project cannot be marked as ‘complete’ unless the consumer approves of it, just like in A/B testing. Unlike this, in conventional project management, feedback is the last resort. Everything is planned in the initial stages. Because of this, the chance of product failure increase.
  4. Lastly, agile is focused on delivering customers what they want and how they want a product to perform through feedback. However, in conventional, the feedback of customer is something, that is considered last.

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How aims to provide Agile Project management is one of the most agile project management solutions that provide quick solutions to established businesses, companies, or organizations, along with startups. It contains all the right tools that one needs to gain a comprehensive view either of the project’s progress or the status of a task.

Moreover, it offers Kanban, Scrum, and Gantt views in which you can break down tasks and view the progress of a project the way you want. Besides, it empowers you to get instant feedback. Along with this, is highly flexible, that you can integrate frequently used applications and simultaneously use them within the interface. Thus, this takes the experience to the next level.

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Furthermore, you can create multiple teams to handle the different projects and set everything to automation. So that you’ll be notified of any progress is made or the task is marked as complete. Last but not least, the data available on is accessible to all, this means efficient collaboration. Plus, you can restrict access to information.


  • Moreover than 100+ templates to customize that helps you with instant startups.
  • Executive view of the project including the completion status, progress report, and assigned team member.
  • Integrate applications and bring data directly to your interface. And, use multiple visualization tools and tell a story by presenting data in a readable format.
  • Take a decision based on the real-time data.

Take Away is used by all types of businesses, even start-ups, ranging from eCommerce to real estate and from advertisement agencies to social media management. The comprehensive view and flexibility of make it the most agile project management solution. From implementation to integration, you can even consult consultants and partners, such as Techloyce for quick consultation and quotes.