
Twilio Click to Call – Twilio Call Forwarding

best together

Twilio Click to Call Integrates the telephony services provided by Twilio with SugarCRM to build effective communication solution for your business. It covers SMS communication along with Voice communication with Click to Call and Forwarding.
We take care of SugarCRM Twilio Integration challenges:

  • Enable you to effectively control your Twilio data across SugarCRM
  • Scalable, flexibility and better voice and SMS communication experience
  • Hassle-free, dynamic and cost-competitive to make phone calls and send messages.
  • Twilio integration capabilities help you in building a simple, powerful and cost-effective communications platform within SugarCRM so that you can focus on your core business, eliminating the complexity of connecting with your potential customers. Our deep knowledge of SugarCRM and extensive integration experience enable us to carry out integration with speed, ease and minimum downtime. Exploiting the full benefits of both SugarCRM and Twilio, we empower our clients in providing added benefits of the integration system and increasing the efficiency of customer contact process.

Business Benefits

  • Enable you connect with your contacts better which will help your business generate more revenue.
  • Reduce hardware cost and no headache of buying ports, buying dumb minutes, and other big clunky hardware.

Product Features:

Outgoing Calls
The ability to dial a call to a Contact. The call will be dialed via the browser, using the Computer’s Mic and Speakers and verified for the outbound call. On each call you can save its information like subject and description as a Call record in SugarCRM. More with twillio call farwording.
Outgoing SMS
The ability to send SMS to a Contact. The SMS can be sent via the browser on any verified number.

For More Twilio Integration

click to dial