
Techloyce Year in Review & Resolution for 2022

In 2021, the major concerns that businesses have to face collectively are technology risks including cyber security, supply, and logistics, retaining, hiring, and training new talents, and coping with new work norms. Above all, the major challenges have been faced by the marketing, sales, and support teams in any business. Their challenges involve customer experience, identifying new sales channels, and automating key department processes to minimize the time required for recurring tasks. So, if you are battling with establishing customer experience, like other 88% businesses, then CRM will help you implement it smoothly. And if you are aiming to automate your internal business processes then you need to look out for ERP software.
All concerns that we have just mentioned above are the ones that clients have asked our Techloyce team of Zoho Consultants, Odoo Consultants, SugarCRM Consultants, and HubSpot Consultants. By taking these concerns as the benchmark we have crafted this article to provide a detailed review of what challenges different businesses were facing and the customization, integrations, and implementation Techloyce offered to minimize the concerns of different industry verticals. Lastly, we have discussed in detail the aims and resolution we are aiming to achieve in 2022.

Let’s get into this!

CRM & ERP Services & Challenges Faced By The Businesses In Different Vertical

One of the key challenges that every industry or business vertical faces in today’s world is how to enhance the customer experience. Moreover, the internet has created many new avenues where customers are interacting with other customers or with your business competitor this requires timely identification. Besides, as you grow your social media or communication channels things get difficult to manage and the challenge of sales, marketing, and support teams coordination, forecasting customer service and devising an accurate personalized strategy raise to the surface. The solution to this is implementing a system for Customer Relationship Management. However, this is dependent on the accurate customization of the system for which you have to consult certified CRM experts for Zoho, Odoo, HubSpot, Salesforces,, and others. If not then you have to deal with problems frequently cited by industry experts e.g. incomplete data on customers like 91% of busineses and 68% of businesses who claim to compete on the CX level to retain and acquire customers. Therefore, it is recommended that you opt for certified experts as a result you’ll be able to get quality data on the customer as claimed by 74% of CRM users. As a result, 65% of businesses have adopted CRM in the last 5 years.

In addition to the CRM, an important challenge that businesses are facing amidst COVID is to make the work process agile, promote customer-centric work culture, and reduce the possibility of human error from every possible business operation. And the solution provided by the technological evolution is the ERP system. The reason behind this is the benefits an ERP offers e.g. access to central data, automated process, workflow visualization, reduce human error, project, teams, and employee productivity management, business intelligence, and much more. However, implementing an ERP is not always proven to be the right solution if your IT management and maintenance costs, training, and customization are more than the allocated budget. Again, we will recommend seeking professional assistance.

Read More: To Sum Things Up – How HubSpot Made Impossible Possible All Year Long In 2021

Integrations Offered By Techloyce To Couple Up With The Challenges

Today, there are dozens of CRM and ERP solutions available in the market, but Techloyce has been partnered with the best e.g. Zoho, Odoo,, SugarCRM, and SalesForce, etc. Here, we are offering services for implementation, integration, customization, training, and support. However, as we get more clients our team pinpointed the key challenges and created in-house integrations that aim to resolve all concerns that are raised above. Here is a review of the services that we have provided to our clients.

1.      Zoho CRM, ERP Consultation & Integrations

To couple with the need of the businesses in expanding brand presence and services support in multiple social platforms, we have offered Zoho social integrations and LinkedIn. It brings everything social media platform to one dashboard and helps companies offer consistent services across customer touchpoints. In addition to this, for remote onboarding and quickening business processes and approval, we offer Eco Sign and Zoho integration, SurveyMonkey, and Sage Intact.

Read More: Zoho Wrap-Up For 2021 – How To Enhance Revenue During Christmas & Holidays Season

2.      Odoo ERP Consultation & Integrations

Similarly, for social media branding, Techloyce is offering Facebook Leads Ads integration with Zoho CRM. Besides this to make the communication and approval process secure you can get Odoo integration with DropBox, My WebConnect, Air Table, Podio, MySQL, and Toggle.

Read More: Make New Year Resolutions For 2022 Achievable by Avoiding Potential Pitfalls With Odoo

3. Consultation & Integrations

Besides Odoo and Zoho we are also offering services on e.g. implementation, integration, and customization. With our JotForm, Stripe, Jira, and Linkedin integrations you can create a complete solution to manage your customer relationship, and business operation with utmost ease.

Techloyce Year In Review & Predictions

In the past 12 months, Techloyce has served dozens of clients and provided hundreds of services. Our client base ranges from manufacturing to restaurant management, packaging to customer services, etc. Hence to provide customized services we entered into many partnerships starting with Asana, Hubspot, Zendesk, FreshWork, and SugarCRM. Besides, we are already in continuous partnership with Odoo, Zoho, and Hence, by taking everything that we have said above from challenges to opportunities, we aim to provide a one-stop solution to our clients where they can manage business operations to customers without switching between applications.

2022 In A Nutshell

Recent years have shown many avenues that businesses need to work on. Some of the key aspects which we have found are establishing a multiple platform service strategy and creating a customer acquisition process and retention process that focuses on personalization. In addition to this, the technology is evolving at a tremendous speed, hence having a solution for CRM and ERP that is agile and offers flexible integration is going to be a must-have. Since migrating from one system to another require a lot of effort, resources, and finances, therefore it is recommended that you opt for a system that perfectly matches your business need and process. For this, you can consult Techloyce.