
To Sum Things Up – How Hubspot Made Impossible Possible All Year Long In 2021

A global pandemic has changed the ways things used to work, especially in the field of marketing and sales, more importantly, it has significantly impacted the practices of support teams. Imagine you are using one or two platforms to inform and entertain your customers but the potential traffic you are seeking to tap onto is present on some other platform. This has raised concerns for many industry giants, and the simple solution to this is expanding your teams. However, the key to successful expansion depends on your target audience. According to Sprout Social, a business receives 129 inbound engagements via social media. However, managing multiple accounts and still managing to remain agile is a difficult task, especially when your audience is heavily using social media for virtually everything from buying to seeking support. Hence, to manage social media, you can efficiently use the HubSpot Marketing Hub. It offers a unified dashboard where you can manage multiple accounts, track engagements, and provide a timely solution. Still, if you want to expand your social media channels then you can seek the services of HubSpot integration Partner, Techloyce.

Here we would like to add that the significant change HubSpot has made in its system is ‘workflow automation,’ not for a single app but for everyone. It empowers sales, marketing, support, and admins alike to automate recurring tasks to save time and effort, especially in times of uncertainty posed by the COVID. To make things easier, it offers a visual template that one can use to create a custom workflow, with custom rules and conditions.

Read More: The HubSpot Integrations That Techloyce Offers To Take Your Business Growth To The Zenith

Here in this article, we have discussed in detail the changes HubSpot has made into the system and expanded its market standing from a single platform to one platform for all activities. In addition to this, we have also discussed the integrations Techloyce is offering to its clients to leverage HubSpot’s flexibility to enhance the performance of CRM and ERP.

Review Of HubSpot Updates & Feature Enhancement In Apps

1. Marketing Hub

The first module that we are going to review is the HubSpot Marketing Hub. Well, marketing is the fuel that drives potential traffic and acquires leads that the sales team can nurture to acquire the business. To make this process easier, HubSpot has modified its attraction, conversion, and reporting feature. Because of this, HubSpot has been named the market leader for B2B marketing automation by Gartner.

The feature that makes this thing possible was the drag-and-drop feature which empowers markets to create everything with utmost ease, test the efficiency of customer experiment elements in a controlled environment known as ‘Sandbox.’ Moreover, its natively built central payment collection empowers the marketing team to power customer experience without leaving the CRM dashboard.

Read More: Online Community A Source For Brand To Get Recognition And Awareness

2. Sales Hub

The second module on our list is HubSpot Sales Hub. It is a one-stop solution that makes sales reps, lead data and communication, quote generation and approval, KPIs, and most importantly reporting. The best enhancement Sales Hub offers is, it can be accessed remotely, and using the leads data and intuitive tagging helps the sales reps in prioritizing the lead with the potential to convert, and personalize the communication to match the interests of leads. This helps in deepening relations and managing the pipeline.

Read More: HubSpot Sales Integrations – A Complete Guide On Sale Manage Process And Pipeline Optimization

3. Services Hub

Like we said at the beginning that catering to customers and providing unified services is difficult when you have disconnected platforms, dispersed data on customers, and lack tools e.g. communication and collaboration. To eradicate this problem, HubSpot has introduced the partnership program, community, community champion program, where you can find a solution to potential problems. Moreover, the flexibility of HubSpot Sales Hub allows businesses to integrate personalized channels, customize the interface to offer flexible customer support and seamless onboarding.

4. Operations Hub

In addition to marketing, sales, and support, HubSpot also provides a solution for seamless operation management. To support this initiative, HubSpot offers customer workflow creations. This requires no coding and programming, you can use the drag-and-drop feature to create a custom workflow. Moreover, you can add custom rules, preview the automation process in real-time and optimize it to remove the error. But the best part of this is it reduces the efforts of employees that is spent on recurring task e.g. following up on emails, invoice payments, support ticket allocation, and much more.

5. CMS Hub

Lastly, the CMS. It is an integral part of every business that is operating in the online realm. From website to product information, marketing and sales content to campaigns you need a system where you can monitor, curate, catalog information and optimize content. But HubSpot has taken things a step further by introducing the email, campaign, managing page customization with drag-and-drop element features. Moreover, it offers a wide range of professionally build templates or themes that one can use to quicken the process. or simply create everything from scratch.

In addition to this, HubSpot CMS provides a sandbox feature that one can use for adaptive testing, website building, inbound marketing, etc.

Read More: HubSpot CMS Changing the Way You Send Email with Easy Drag and Drop Editor

HubSpot & Techloyce in a Nutshell

When it comes to managing the business in a virtual world, unpredictable trends, and remote work culture, a single problem can escalate in a matter of hours, especially, when it comes to business efficiency. A single bad review and not mitigating its time affect your business significantly. Hence to reduce these many concerns posed by the changing global conditions, Techloyce is offering to prebuild HubSpot Integrations, which aims to ease the concerns of document sharing with HubSpot SharePoint Integration. To optimize the support process and to empower support reps to use multiple platforms you can use HubSpot Freshdesk Integration and HubSpot RingCentral Integration. However, for the eCommerce industry, you can leverage HubSpot Shopify Integration and manage your eCommerce store with utmost ease. And to scale globally, HubSpot Stripe Integration comes in handy, as it empowers businesses to personalize and customize their invoice, payment collection, website language, and much more.