
Manage Online & Onsite Training, Trainers & Content With 360-Degree Zoho CRM Support

In the past two years, many things have been changed and it has created a huge gap in terms of knowledge and skills for all. To combat these, organizations are introducing new initiatives that aim to train their employees and reduce the cost of hiring new resources. In USA only, the businesses trend of adopting digital learning has been increased to 90% and, 62% of companies are using e-learning platforms to develop new skills and bridge the gap among their employee. And, it is forecasted that by 2022, the e-learning businesses will reach the mark of $243 million. However, for training businesses the transaction from onsite to online is not easy, since most of the solutions provided by the SaaS industry aim to target customer relationship management. Therefore in this article, we have provided a detailed overview of how Zoho CRM can serve the goal of training business and the features it offers that are perfectly customized for trainers and instructors to use it, provide contextual support to the learners and keep track of lead throughout the customer journey from registration to assignment scoring and certificate issuance.

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Challenges Faced By The Training Provider

Before we move forward with this piece, we need to understand the concerns that training businesses are facing. So if you feel the following issues identified by our team resonate with what you are facing then it is the right time to shift to Zoho CRM by consulting Zoho CRM Consultants at Techloyce.

  1. Spending extensive time on administrative tasks and manual data entries
  2. Facing inconsistency in training, ambiguity in the course outline, and complaints from learners about the interface difficulty and user experience
  3. Lack of business visibility and difficulty in pinpointing the gaps that need improvement
  4. Not having a statistical benchmark to measure the success of marketing and sales efforts other than the number of enrollments and courses certification issuance.

In addition to the points that we have raised above, another challenge faced by the e-training organization, companies, and institutes is managing the request of batch training, online and onsite training, and self-paced courses. All of these things are making the online transition difficult. Moreover, find the right tool that offers features of LMS and CRM.

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Why Do Training Providers Need CRM

  • The first thing on our list is, Zoho CRM customization empowers the digital training industry with comprehensive content management, creating new courses, and updating the repository by including up-to-date content and the best resources for small to medium and large scale enterprises. Since all training institutes are offering more than one course for multiple levels e.g. beginner, intermediate, and expert, along with customized courses, they need a system that tracks every bit of development and requires little to no effort to customize it to match business needs.
  • Secondly, it helps in creating a pool of trainers, instructors, and resources on a single platform, accessible from anywhere. It also provides a portal that all resources can use to keep track of their courses, daily schedule, along with content repositor management. This way, the trainers won’t lose sight of course. Moreover, a training business has a huge pool of resources with specific expertise and skill. That’s why need a system that makes resources management easier and prevents schedule overlapping.
  • In addition to the instructor portal, it provides a holistic view to the business executive and project manager in the form of a dashboard. It brings information related to the course performance matrics, today’s enrollments and upcoming schedule, non-paid invoices, and payment collection status to one window. Along with this, it offers complete information on a single dashboard e.g. lead, contacts, enrollments, batches, companies, and reports in the form of tabs. Each offers complete information which can be customized with relevant filters.
  • Lastly, as we said above that training businesses are offering dozens of courses, managing resources, and offering customized face-to-face, individual, or onsite training services. This makes schedule management, resources availability and allocation management, invoice generation, and tracking difficult. Hence, they need a system that little to no manual instruction for recurring invoices generation and follow-ups for payment collection, and other request management. And offer detailed business insights that can help business improve their performance and provide a competitive edge.

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Zoho CRM Modules & Features For Training Providers

1. Lead Capture & Management

The industry saturation is putting pressure upon companies to customize their communication and attract the relevant lead then targeting the general audience. In this regard, the CRM offers a complete module that can integrate with the website, social media, email, and chat. This brings information collected on leads to a single platform where one can filter the leads on the basis of region, company, and the likelihood of conversion. In addition to this, a business can segregate the lead and manage data accordingly. Furthermore, the segregated lead can be sent to the sales team for nurturing.

2. Manage Customer Journey

In addition to the lead, Zoho CRM for training business helps in providing detailed information on the customer from their location to interest, challenges, and livelihood of conversion. This helps the sales team in customizing their communication and content to provide contextual consultation at every step from booking to course customization, invoice generation to payment. This increases the retention rate and customer satisfaction. It also allows one to segregate the leads based on contact and companies e.g. corporate or private entity, industrial, and education, etc.

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3. Tracking Deals & Packages

To cater to the needs of training businesses in managing the courses, deals, and special offers, Zoho CRM offers a dashboard where one can not only create multiple courses but can also view the matrics e.g. the progress of courses, certificate awarded, enrolled attendees, and progress of courses.

4. Quotation, Invoice & Payment Management

Zoho also offers a module that helps the organization with workflow creation and automation.  This reduces the hassle on the part of business executives in creating quotations over and over and spending time on invoice follow-up. Moreover, the system can integrate the payment gateway that helps businesses in scaling globally and provide training services to corporate and individual customers without any hassle.

5. Course Management & Analytics

Lastly, the CRM is agile enough that it can scale with the growth of a business. Moreover, the executive can manage everything from batches to online and onsite course training, allocation of resources, and course management. On top of this, it offers comprehensive and detailed statistics that one can use to enhance to modify the marketing and sales efforts, optimize courses that are not being used, and curate courses along with the resource person to provide timely services to clients.

Benefits Of using Zoho CRM in Training Businesses

The integration of Zoho CRM into the training business system is capable of reducing the time that executives are spending on the manual course, portfolio, quotes, and invoice creation. Moreover, the system is governed by customized workflow creation and automation, this helps the executive in keeping things organized and track everything from initiation to closing.

Furthermore, the system can integrate with website, email, social media, and chat. This provides detailed insights on customer collection from a website form, visitor data, and their behavior with your product, along with the latest trends, and metrics. Utilizing this helps the organization in reassessing its strategy and optimizing it to match customer trends by offering in-demand courses with up-to-date information, etc.

Another benefit that Zoho CRM customization is done by Zoho CRM Consultants and Zoho integration consultants, it makes the system agile that can scale with your business by providing integration supports with in-house Zoho applications and third-party apps. This means a training business can start with the basic Zoho feature and optimize it to match the latest trends and integrate applications as they grow.


Every industry has unique challenges, needs, and the requirement that require a custom solution, similarly in the case of the training and e-learning industry. The recent trend in online learning caused by COVID has increased the need for training businesses to utilize the available technology and scale globally in order to survive the fierce challenge. In this regard, Zoho CRM serves as the best solution. Since it is designed to assist businesses in managing customer relations efficiently, it can be further customized to fit the business needs by integrating modules e.g. lead, contact, enrollments, and reporting, one can use it efficiently to shift from onsite to online learning management with utmost ease. For information on Zoho CRM for the Training industry, customization, implementation, and integration, feel free to reach out to Techloyce.