
HubSpot Sales Integrations – A Complete Guide On Sale Manage Process And Pipeline Optimization

Segregating contacts from potential leads is a huge task that sales reps have to go through daily. When they are not communicating with the leads, they are spending time completing the manual tasks e.g. quote and invoice generation, getting it approved, sending email, updating the lead response on excel sheet, and compiling sales reports. Collectively it takes up to 60% of sales reps’ time, which could have been easily spent on other important tasks i.e lead nurturing if automation or HubSpot Sales CRM was implemented.

Moreover, while running a business whether on a small or large scale, pin-pointing the drain or leakage points in your sales pipeline is a difficult thing to do. Often it is identified when the monthly or annual reports are created after completing the sales pipeline cycle. And when asked sales managers, the most common problem cited by them is, not getting enough Sales-Qualified-Leads despite spending hundreds of dollars and sales reps’ time on lead profiling, also receiving unreliable data from the marketing team. If you are facing these problems too, then it is the right time to optimize your sale management process with the help of Sales CRM e.g. HubSpot CRM Implementation, particularly HubSpot Sales CRM, which you can get by contacting HubSpot Certified Consultants.

Here in this article, we have discussed the problem faced by the sales department which increases the need for integrating the sale CRM into your ERP. We have also discussed the perks you can enjoy with HubSpot Sales CRM integration and named some features that could easily resolve the mind-boggling problems faced during sales pipeline management e.g. leakage, sales reps time optimization, and equipping newbies with tools and tricks to perform exactly like the top sale reps.

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Why Do You Need A System To Manage A Sales Pipeline

Creating an effective sales pipeline is an art that requires a 360-degree strategy and information on leads that could help the sales reps in contextual lead nurturing. However, the process of creating a swift sale management process requires in-depth pain point identification, asking sale reps for frequently faced problems, and much more. No worries, we have done the legwork, and here at some points that you can use as a reference.

  • Unorganized Communication Records are the first problem that the sales reps encounter when they are interacting with the lead and keeping a record of each conversation on an Excel or Google Sheets. Moreover, in the second stage of the sales pipeline, developing a deeper relationship with leads where you have to keep track of email, call and chat, hence getting a response from sale reps that they process is tedious and difficult, especially when you are skilled at handle 100s of lead and contact.
  • Another problem that the sales manager has to cope with is when a Sales rep sends an unapproved quote and estimate without running by the management and offers products or services to clients that are not in the inventory. The main reason behind this is lacking a system for central data and resources sharing e.g. call scripts, product availability details, competitive information, etc.
  • Lastly, if your sales reps have a habit of missing lead follow-up meetings, lead nurturing records or sending the wrong document, or even identifying potential leads from within the sale pipeline funnel. Then it is the right time to implement and integrate Sale CRM with your system.

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How HubSpot Sale CRM Can Enhance Sale Manage Process & Pipeline

1. People Management

The first thing or step of every sale process management starts with people management, in the case of salespeople are sales reps, managers, and executives. It also deals with hiring new sales reps or resources, training them, and getting them to familiarize themselves with the product, system functionality, coaching and mentoring new or senior sale resources, and most importantly team-building, which you can easily manage from within HubSpot Sales CRM. It provides a complete suite where you can proactively create and upload documents ranging from playbooks to call scripts and relevant materials with a central system, accessible to everyone. You can also create a pack of resources and assign it to sales reps.

2. Strategy Management & Optimization

Like marketing, human resource, and support, having the right sale strategy goes a long way. In HubSpot, you can create a detailed sale management strategy and share it with your team members, and new sale reps to ensure everyone is on the same page. Creating a strategy starts with defining sales pipeline goals, setting achievable objectives, and complying with an effective onboarding strategy that is is agile enough to train your new reps to communicate and close deals like the top-performing sales executive. In HubSpot, you can create a detailed training plan including playbook and resources material and share it with other reps. In addition to this, you can use HubSpot central communication application to host meetings with the remote sales team. Besides, you can initiate mentorship to motivate reps. Since, it automatically keeps tabs on every communication, leads tracking, and updating the report sheet, you won’t have to put much effort into creating sale and revenue reports. the system will do it for you and you just have to evaluate it and revise the strategy periodically.

3. Activity Monitoring & Reporting

Like we said above, HubSpot reduces the need for manual data entry therefore the reports generated by the system are reliable. Hence, by using this, the sales manager can create efficient daily by listing all wins and lost leads, the performance of sales reps, and revenue reports.

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Features Offered By HubSpot Sales Integrations For Sale Pipeline Management

When it comes to sales pipeline management, the objects are clear that sales reps have to nurture the marketing-qualified-lead (MQL) into a sales-qualified-lead. This process consists of three stages, starting with reaching out to leads and acquiring data from profiling to selling services. Followed by this is the relationship-building stages, obviously, no one will invest or buy your services until they trust you, and the last state is closing leads. Also, it includes assessing the efficiency of the existing sales pipeline strategy and revising it to fix the loopholes.  For every stage, HubSpot offers the following benefits.

  • Start Conversation – The most essential thing for the initial stage of the pipeline is communication with leads. To make this process easy and enhance its impact HubSpot offer a professionally-build cold email template that sale reps can use to pitch and simultaneously track its CTR and open rate. Along with this, the system automatically tracks document and offer conversation intelligence that sales reps can use to provide contextual service. Besides emails, it also offers a call tracking and recording feature which any sales reps can access to get an overview of a lead. Lastly, sales reps can add information on leads and system keep a comprehensive profiling
  • Relationship Building – For the second stage, HubSpot offers a meeting scheduler, sale automation, live chat, and predictive lead scoring. Using this the sales reps can easily identify the stage of leads and set the email campaign to automation with well-defined ifs-and-then. This reduces the effort of sales reps spent on completing recurring tasks e.g. sending a reminder to the sales manager to approve quotes or emailing lead to follow-up, etc.
  • Pipeline Management – Lastly, for comprehensive sale pipeline and sale management, HubSpot offers a one-stop solution where you can keep records of sale analytics, and reporting. Create a swift sale resource hiring, training, mentorship, and allocation strategy. On top of this, it offers swift playbook creation where one can add documents or pointers about the tactics and methods to use while nurturing leads. Also, one can add call scripts, battle cards to provide a competitive edge on competitor products, and templates for quotes. The best thing is, you can access your sales CRM virtually from anywhere.

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Whether you are in a start-up phase or running a stable business, you can not prosper without having an effective strategy in place that not only allows sales, marketing, and support teams to collaborate but also complement one another. Since sales pipeline and management play a significant role in driving the revenue of an organization, therefore having a comprehensive system in place. So, if your goal is to empower new reps to perform exactly like top sales reps, then HubSpot Sales CRM implementation will do you a lot of favor. It is a complete suite that comes with all essential tools that a sales agent need from communicating with leads to closing it. Some of the noteworthy tools include email tracking, scheduling, automation, conversation intelligence, call tracking, record keeping, etc. However, you can get it customized to match your business needs by reaching out to HubSpot CRM Consultants at Techloyce.