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Managing social media is one of the most challenging tasks for every marketing time, whether they are operating on a small scale or a large scale, catering local or worldwide audience.

At every stage of a social media campaign, one not only needs to maintain a relationship with their prospective customers, but this also demands to stay active on the social platform. Hence it is important to acquire services from certified consultants for quick assistant and post implementation support.

For quick consultation, you can contact Techloyce a certified partner and project management consultant, operating worldwide.

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Challenges of Social Media Management Department

Based on the business operation and scale of the social media management department, here we have mentioned some challenges frequently faced by social media managers:

1. NO Content Plan “What Should We Do Today?”

The most pressing challenge for the social media department is they often don’t have a publication plan to follow. Mainly because things are happening abruptly that they had to put certain Social Networking Sites (SNS) campaigns on hold, or the social media department had to maintain the campaign record manually. This restricts the creativity and thus, they had to arrange brainstorming sessions just to know “what should be published?” or “how to plan the week content?”

2. Timing & Deadline Collaboration Issues Between Designer and Social Media Manager

The second unrelenting issue faced by the social media department is a delay in communication or collaboration crises between the marketing and designing department. Often the main reason behind this is either the vague communication or calendar synchronization issues.

In addition to this, the designing department is bombarded with deadlines and projects, hence, the social media managers have to wait for hours or sometimes days to get their post designing cued.

3. Manual Monitoring

Small scale businesses are often short on resources, or some neglect the SNS (Social Networking Sites) campaign’s potential. Even if some do implement social media strategies, then they had to opt for manual SNS operation, monitoring, create contention, or publication on SNS, because of budget constraints.

In addition to this, the manual monitoring of dozens of social media platforms results in the possibility of error-some information, which potentially affects the reliability of campaign data.

4. Not Having Common Platform for Client’s Management & Communication

Lastly, those companies who manage and run social media campaigns for clients, often don’t have direct access or mean of commination with the clients, other than email.

In such a situation, getting thing approved, amend, or publish require a lot of time. It also occurs in the case of in-house social media management, where you have to communicate with different departments. Thus, not having any other means of communication downplay the potential of the social media campaign.

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How monday.Com Features Can Benefit Social Media Management? is a cloud-based Work Operation System (OS) that aims to help teams and departments in creating a custom workflow, for every campaign and idea. Besides, it offers many features that make team collaboration and project management easier and time-saving.

Here are some features that you can surely benefit from consulting certified consultants at Techloyce. Here is how implementing can resolve challenges faced by social media managers:

1. Managing Social Media Campaign Ideas and Requests

One of the most essential advantages of having as your primary social media management platform is, you can manage, plan, and design campaign throughout the calendar. Thus, the social media team won’t have to worry about generating new idea for SNS publication.

Once companies implement a social media strategy plan and start holding brainstorming sessions, then the idea will start pouring.

But one cannot implement all ideas at once. Thus, there is a need to spread the idea implementation including designing, and planning over time, in which comes in handy.

It offers several automation workflows templates which you can customize according to your ideas and automate the process for approval.

2. Planning and Time Tracking Social Media Campaigns

The second most essential thing for the social media campaign is keeping track of everything from content creation to designing and publication. Well, the good news is offers exactly what you need.

It is built for workflow management. Besides, it offers several templates that social media managers can use to track the progress of campaigns.

In other words, social media automation reduces the efforts required for manually reminders. Moreover, it helps in saving time for manually maintaining content publication calendar or post designing because the system will automatically send reminder and track action.

3. Comprehensive View Of Social Media Campaign Performance On Dashboard

The third feature of is one can view the performance of different campaigns on a single dashboard. This means you won’t have to process excel data for measuring the performance of active campaigns either on a weekly on monthly basis, either to know the performance of KPI or the result of A/B testing.

Additionally, you can access the data on any device and customize the workflow to match your work style.

4. Open Sources Platform, Integrate Tool That You Want on The Go is an open-sourced platform that makes it flexible. So, if you have a certain data visualization tool or application in mind then you can use it by simply integrating it with

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Conclusion is one of the industry-leading project management software that can enhance the workflow for social media management and the social media marketing teams. It offers a single dashboard that offers an interactive overview of KPIs. Moreover, from content creation to publication, it empowers everyone in a team to collaborate freely.

Reach out to Techloyce certified consultants and partner, operating in the USA, UK Australia, and Canada. You can schedule a consultation session with our certified project management consultants and implementation specialists.