
Businesses Tightening the Reins on Customer Support As A Post COVID Approach with Zendesk

It has been more than a year since the pandemic changed the scenario for the business community. All over the world, companies had to shift to work-from-home. One of the taxing challenges they faced during the lockdown, social distancing, and remote working was customer support. Support teams have to tackle different situations in collaboration while answering, troubleshooting, and updating the customers. They need teamwork to cope with the demands and queries from the customer side.

Zendesk offers a complete customer support solution and it enables its clients to manage tickets even if they work from home. It has multi-channel support ticketing software to access customer journey and resolve issues. Now, people are planning for post-COVID times and if you want to improve customer support for coming years, Techloyce has Zendesk consultants for your guidance and help. You can plan your post-COVID customer support strategy. Here are some of the factors that will help in providing better customer support when the pandemic ends.

Make Self-Help Part of the Plan

Many people prefer resolving their problems on their own. They call customer support centres when there remains no other option. When you plan things for the post-COVID days, make self-help part of your strategy. You can collaborate with your team and find out queries and questions that customers would probably ask about your services when the coronavirus ends.

During the COVID outbreak, people had to abruptly confine themselves in their homes. The calls to customer support and services consultants immediately increased and customers ran into record phone waits. Why? Because the shape of the market and modes of doing business changed all of a sudden, questions of customers increased, and customer support issues increased as well.

Now, when COVID will end, situations will again change and you must be prepared for this. It is better to get in touch with your consultants to use the platform of Zendesk to offer better support. You can make your self-service centre with Zendesk that will provide you convenience in being available for customers 24/7.

Get 360-Degree View of the Customer

When you are planning a better support strategy for the post-pandemic times, over viewing the customer should be part of the plan. A 360-degree view of your customer means getting everything about your customer on one platform (from contact information to his purchase history). You can use the platform of Zendesk for this purpose.

The overview of the customer profile will show you a bigger picture. You can analyse not only a single customer’s data but also the sales and purchase pattern associated with your clientele. In the coming days, the view of customer relationship with you can be used to offer better support.

Respond Timely

When it comes to customer support, nothing matters more than a timely response to the customer. Just like an emergency patient, customers need the right response at the right time. With Zendesk, you can offer online customer support and it is a faster means of satisfying the customers. Zendesk enables the support team to manage customers when there is an increased volume of tickets. You can attach messages or alert banners to let users know that your support rep is busy.

You also need robust tools and hardware to timely address the questions from the customer side. If support agents have outdated hardware, not even the best support platform can do anything for you. With feasible hardware, Zendesk is the platform that you can use for better and timely ticket management in post-COVID times.

Train Your Team

Even if you have hired experienced, proficient, and the best employees, they should be trained regularly for changing market trends and new tools for customer support. The scenario will change after COVID ends and you have to act timely by bringing your support team for training. There was a time when a good accent and soft voice was considered the only requirement to be a support rep.

However, today your support team needs command of soft skills as well. Techloyce has professional consultants and you can discuss with them the post-pandemic scenario. They will let you know the skills that your would team need in the coming days.

Customer Care Must Ensure Care

Support representatives have to handle the person talking to them with care. In 2020, the whole world faced the worst crisis and you never know precisely about the challenges of the coming days. So, one of the tips that all support teams need to follow is to remain calm and patient with the customers.

You do not know the person on the other side, what did he face last year and what does he expect from you. As a customer support provider, it is your job to listen and keep your emotions under control and provide the solution as per the issue of the customer.

Get Feedback

Feedback can give wings to your customer support strategy for post-COVID times. Today, the world is fighting against the third wave of coronavirus and people are comparatively more aware of the scenario. It is high time to get feedback about your support services from the customers.

Zendesk helps in getting the feedback at the end of your interaction with the customer. You can use it for calculating customer satisfaction score. Social media platforms can also be used to get feedback.

Connect with Customers in a Better Way

We have all faced odd times in the past year. It had been difficult for customers to understand the mechanism of the business of their service providers in the peak days of coronavirus spread (when everyone was remotely working). It is again going to be a challenge for you as well as for the customers in the coming days when the pandemic will end.

The modes of doing business will change according to the new opportunities and challenges. It will again be the responsibility of the support teams to answer and handle the ambiguities of customers. If you want to handle things in a better way, Zendesk has an all-inclusive customer service platform to assist your support team.

Read: 5 Ways How Customer Interaction can be Enhanced

Your support agents are the ones who stand in the frontline to address the questions of the customers. They remain in contact with the customer all day. Zendesk is the platform that can facilitate your support team in the best way. Your support team can use Zendesk mobile application to communicate from anywhere. There are a number of other features that Zendesk offers for support teams. Techloyce is a Zendesk partner and you can get help from Techloyce consultants for customer support in the coming post-pandemic days.