
SugarCRM procuring Node to Accelerate AI-based Predictive Customer Intelligence

SugarCRM, a vast customer relationship management system announced the acquisition of Node on August 24, 2020. Node is an AI as-a-service platform that helps ensure predictive insights about business formative attributes. The adoption of the Node platform however contributes to the acceleration of Sugar’s own AI capability and even strengthens the model in the market.

So before diving deep into the improvements, let’s clearly understand the Node. 

What is Node?

An AI-as-a-Service platform to help businesses leverage the power of AI-based features by aggregating customer information and making predictive analysis based on it. Node makes AI prediction less expensive, mitigates the risks of business downfall, and harnesses its capabilities to traditionally interpret the huge customer data through a range of sources. The sources could be people, companies, markets, etc. that could help gather more data to ensure higher prediction accuracy to ultimately draft effective decisions.

The intersection of SugarCRM and Node 

In the past few years, the SugarCRM market has become fortified and mature that vendors are vigilant to ensure brand position viable by being in league with more innovative add-ons. Consequently, to ensure this, SugarCRM is using Node in conjunction with its own AI specifications to provide an AI-enabled data-driven model that ensures time and behavior-based customer experience platform. This allows SugarCRM to meet the rising customer expectations and demands in the digital space and stand out in the highly competitive market through its extensive platform.

Data analytics and predictive customer intelligence have become a new normal in businesses today. Whether it is a small or large enterprise, the deployment of high-end technology-based solutions has become a need. It is because of the rapid prevalence of technology at the industrial level to somehow introduce efficiency, convenience, high productivity, and security as an edge to the system. To participate in the race and retain brand reputation, organizations are stepping up to employ customer relationship management software that provides forefront features based on the latest avant-garde technologies.

Automation – A New Normal

One of the fundamental demands of businesses currently is to deploy automated predictive analysis using AI. There are many benefits that compel business entities to call out for automation in the daily operational infrastructure. These include:

  • Efficient data and workflow management
  • Eliminate the overhead of manual interpretations
  • Reduce the cost of additional resources and data analysts
  • Mitigate the contingencies of overwhelming, time-consuming, and work-intensive activities
  • Curb the chances of human errors
  • Stand-out in the relevant business market
  • Robust business development
  • Optimized customer experience platform
  • Smooth sales and business revenue streams

Organizations are investing in AI solutions openly to streamline the process of customer data prediction, pattern recognition, and thus ultimately tailoring the services as per customer demands. This does not only help businesses in efficiently managing the customer data but also seamlessly gives insights about customer behavior towards the old or new services which give businesses the opportunity to revamp the model as well as strategies accordingly.

Node’s AI technology helps SugarCRM to build a high-definition customer experience platform. The deep learning capability of SugarCRM enables organizations to develop, test, and deploy the prediction models for all the features and products offered by SugarCRM. From sales management to marketing automation and customer support to automated predictive analysis, there are range of features that have room for improvements that SugarCRM is striving to fill up by employing Node’s AI.

The Yield of SugarCRM + Node for Businesses 

Based on the business use-cases, Node is implemented to provide AI-powered services for better performance, efficiency, and business revenue. There are other indirect elements hidden that individually or collectively contribute to the success of the business. Below are some use-cases that SugarCRM in conjunction with Node delivers to the businesses:

  • Prediction of customer conversion from lead to a sale. Using the Node’s AI capabilities businesses would be able to take a strategical approach accordingly.
  • Customer churn prediction through customer behavioral analysis and patterns in the system. By leveraging the information-rich customer data, the AI model would predict which customer is most likely to churn in what period of time. This can help businesses to remodel strategies to retain that customer.
  • Revenue estimation beforehand with respect to a particular time period. It takes in various attributes that help businesses calculate the revenue based on an insight-driven forecast by SugarCRM.
  • Efficient management of closed deals using effective capabilities of marketing attribution
  • Enhanced customer experience by tailoring services according to customer expectations
  • Optimized customer support based on predictive AI analysis and contextual data modelling

Techloyce provides businesses an opportunity to lead in the market by deploying highly tailored services that align well according to their business model. It is crucial to identify the business requirements and invest in the features that would actually help boost-up the business revenue. For this, Techloyce assists businesses with its SugarCRM expert consultants and developers to get customized services and technical help for seamless CRM integration. Other than this, we provide project management services, training, and support solutions.