
Amazon Web Services – All you need to know…

What is AWS?

Amazon Web Services or AWS is an evolving cloud computing platform that offers scalable, reliable, cost-effective, and flexible cloud computing solutions. AWS, provided by Amazon presents packages in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). It was launched in 2006 to maintain Amazon’s own retail operational infrastructure. However, now it provides a range of offers to organizations which include database, storage, networking, compute power, analytics, development tools, and content delivery services.

Amazon was among the top companies that introduced pay as you go pricing model for cloud computing services which ultimately gives companies assistance in managing their storage and throughout required for a business as much they need.

Today, a wide range of businesses are using cloud-based services for a flexible operational framework. It gives instant access to all the information stored over the cloud. Techloyce also uses cloud-based services against its different products and services that help in an easier and quicker interaction between customers and businesses using a cloud-based customer support platform.

How AWS Works?

AWS modules are split into different services which individually can be configured based on the needs and requirements of users. For each user, tailored services are provided in different ways. The users who opt to get services from Amazon should identify the configuration options to get access to the AWS service. As discussed above, based on the range of services, clients approach to get a tailored package for their requirements.


Techloyce based on cloud services provides integration and a range of other data management services to online businesses in the form of CRM and ERP software. The following are some services in detail as provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Data Management

AWS provides database and data management services called Amazon Relational Database Service which includes a range of options for MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and a reliable as well as high-performance database Amazon Aurora. For all the AWS customers, it provides an instant database management system. Along with this, the AWS using Amazon MongoDB offers a well-managed NoSQL database.


AWS provides real-time data storage, backup, and data analytics services in which businesses would be able to store the data up to 5GB (gigabytes).  Under this umbrella, it provides various other data storage services which ultimately help businesses choose the package that suits them the most. For example, other than S3, there is S3 bucket, Amazon Glacier, Amazon Elastic File system for persistent data storage, and Amazon Elastic Block Store which provides businesses the option of storing data in the block-level storage volumes.


An Amazon VPC or Virtual Private Cloud provides networking services by giving an administrator control in which a business could be able to use an isolated section in a virtual network of the AWS cloud. Along with this, it issues domain name to the organization that allows access of the application to the end-users.

Developer tools

AWS gives a variety of developer tools that help them use command-line software and tools for development purposes. For instance, Powershell for the management of cloud services through the Windows, AWS Serverless Application Model to test simulations, and AWS Command Line Interface, etc.

Moreover, AWS SDKs support various programming languages which include PHP, Java, Node.js, C++, Ruby, Python, and interfaces including Android and iOS. Similarly, another service of Amazon for API Gateway enables developers to create, monitor, and manage the custom APIs that let online applications to instantly access the data from the back-end.

Security and governance

For cloud security, AWS provides various services which include AWS Identity and Access Management. It allows the business administration to easily define and manage authorized user access. Also, it allows an admin to maintain a user directory by using Amazon Cloud Directory. Along with this, AWS Directory Service and AWS Organizations services help ensure stringent security as well as policies for various AWS accounts.

Internet of Things

AWS provides flexible services for the successful deployments of the internet of things. The services help easy management of IoT devices as well as data ingestions to the AWS database and storage services. AWS IoT Button and AWS Greengrass help provide hardware services for the proper functionality of IoT devices.

Mobile development

For mobile application development, the AWS Mobile Hub offers developers a range of services and tools. Also, it provides the AWS Mobile SDK, to give developers easy access to code libraries and samples. By using Amazon Cognito, a mobile app developer could easily manage access to mobile apps to users. Similarly, they can use Amazon Pinpoint to send the end-users push notifications for certain reminders and activities that help contribute to effective communication with the end-users.

Game development

AWS provides services that can be used for game development. Companies in the field of game development use a range of services from Amazon for seamless access to data and real-time monitoring.

Messages and notifications

For streamlined communication for applications and users, AWS messaging services are used. Amazon Simple Queue Service manages messages in the queue. It also helps store and receives the messages that are transferred through the distributed applications. This also helps developers to confirm which parts of the application are actually working and which have errors.

Augmented reality and virtual reality

For augmented reality and virtual reality, AWS offers development tools from the Amazon Sumerian service. The service allows users to create applications based on AR and VR without the use of 3D graphics or programming. At the same time, the service enables users to publish as well as test applications in the browser.

Techloyce uses a range of AWS applications and supports the businesses using cloud computing for instant integrations and consultations. The platforms enable businesses to integrate tailored CRM and ERP service and get additional features of rea-time monitoring for rapid business growth. With the advent of time, technological advancements are revolutionizing and giving wings to ultimate business revenue.