
HubSpot Jira Integration

Centralize Your Sales and other Processes with HubSpot Jira Integration For Improved Project Management

Project management is undoubtedly the backbone of business productivity. Daily productivity and task management allow businesses to grow faster and expand their services. When your business has a clear and effective strategy for handling multiple tasks, collaboration, and planning different process for ongoing projects. However, just efficient planning is not enough, and you need a software for optimizing project management to avoid manually entering data, back forth exchange of files and documents, waiting hours for approval from other teams or suffering from lack of information sharing among different teams. HubSpot Jira Integration offers the right solution to these challenges. Techloyce offers optimal services for this integration, and in our experience, many companies have benefited from integrating their HubSpot platform with Jira. Our expert consultants have technical prowess which allows them to expertly provide integration services where you can get started after testing and data migration right away.

When it comes to Jira Integration with HubSpot, there is a lot you can do; from creating customized scrum boards for task assigning, visual boards of project planning and execution, and is ideal for team collaboration. This framework allows you to add as many members for any project like software development, marketing, etc. Jira’s dashboard has proven to increase transparency and productivity in multiple project planning and management for many users. Daily projects are assigned in Agile cards which are then managed by different categories in Swimlane where you can see different groupings, users, as well as information regarding every ticket assigned to users.

Now, these features, when working with HubSpot CRM or any other Hub then sales processes, as well as customer service tickets, are ideal for being handled in Jira. Moreover, contact management, when combined with Jira issues created for them, will help in ticket management as well as available for sales and marketing teams to manage customer service. Jira Integration with HubSpot will allow your customer service and other teams to expertly handle customer tickets and also assign them to any member depending on the nature of the query. Now, these features make for an efficient system with Kanban boards as well as a roadmap so teams and sales representatives will never be in the dark about upcoming projects as well as reporting dashboard for analyzing team progress with each issue, the scope for improvement, and how much work has been completed. HubSpot Jira Integration also has other features which can allow you to pursue our services for seamless integration.

Keep Your Marketing, Sales, and Support Process In Sync

Sales teams can benefit from HubSpot Jira Integration because it will allow them to access information readily like customer tickets and also improve their lead management. Moreover, when your contacts and their status of issues is updated via bi-directional sync between HubSpot and Jira. From HubSpot, companies, contacts, and deals are synced automatically where issues in Jira are created as well because you can see where your customer base needs more marketing and sales management. This synchronization will let your marketing team assess how they can improve customer engagement via tools like email marketing or personalized recommendation. For sales experts, they can utilize this knowledge from reporting dashboards for better deals marketed that are customized for those customers. The customer support can also help in creating a better knowledge base and marketed tutorials for emails so clients can gain a better understanding of product usage.

Discover Opportunities for Sales Improvement

When you can add more context for every customer and their journey with your business, it is not just for managing issues or improving marketing and customer support. In HubSpot Jira Integration, you can use knowledge and insight gained from your development or customer support team on what project or deal is being worked on. This helps to create transparency with your clients as well as teams so you can gauge the right time to contact the customer. This flow of information enables you to create a better environment where your development or customer service teams can be consulted to track product development for your client before sending emails or making a sales call. With HubSpot Integration with Jira, Techloyce believes that this integration will create a seamless flow in your marketing, customer relationship, customer support, and sales process while you can easily utilize inbound marketing tools in HubSpot coupled with improved management from Jira. So, if you are looking for improved project management, then contact us for HubSpot Jira Integration.