
HubSpot Salesforce Integration

Put Your Sales, Service, and Marketing in Synchronization with HubSpot Salesforce integration

Have you ever been in a situation where tracking leads, saving their contacts, addressing query tickets, or managing marketing campaigns across different platforms is time-consuming? Or you have to switch between different software for CRM, marketing, or customer service? Well, the solution to this problem is HubSpot Salesforce integration. If you are already using HubSpot CRM, which has great tools for automating your sales and lead pipeline as well as offer inbound marketing tools across different media, then you can easily maximize usage by integrating Salesforce. Businesses can use the services of an expert HubSpot consultant to seamlessly integrate with Salesforce. Thankfully, Techloyce offers HubSpot integration for different third party applications like Salesforce. In our experience, many businesses have chosen HubSpot Salesforce integration to add more productivity to their sales, marketing, and customer service processes. So integrate your HubSpot CRM platform with Salesforce to close more deals, keep your database up-to-date, and use live messaging for customer service, and managing customer journey closely across media.

With your professional or enterprise account for HubSpot Marketing, Sales or Service account, you can efficiently utilize our integration services for HubSpot Salesforce integration. You can maintain exceptional synchronization and consistency between your marketing and sales team by data sharing from Salesforce to HubSpot CRM. Salesforce offers better and intelligent insight with artificial intelligence which analyzes customer behaviour, how content resonates with them, predicting risks like customer churn, and predicting which leads will convert and close deals.

Use AI for Better Insight Into Lead And Customer Behaviour

Based on this insight and AI feature, your data across HubSpot platform will help you make decision-based on this knowledge. For example, your sales team can prioritize strong leads based on how they perceive your emails and click-through rates, and send them personalized messages. Moreover, by predicting risks, you can divert customers in the right direction, which will help customer service representatives to mitigate risks. With HubSpot Salesforce integration, you can also automate workflows to avoid unnecessary data entry for contact management.

Moreover, you will get access to chatbots which would save time for serious tickets that need intervention. Before you consult with us for our integration services, it is better that you dive into other essential features of HubSpot Salesforce integration. Once our HubSpot consultant has seamlessly integrated both platforms, we can guide you through the setting up process. Thankfully, it does not require much technical knowledge so that you can get started with syncing data right away.

Sync Your Contacts and Prioritize Leads

Any leads generated, or contacts gained from HubSpot forms on your landing pages will be sent to your HubSpot platform to visualize and send personalized marketing emails. With this HubSpot Salesforce integration, you can also segment your database by highlighting top leads and focusing on them. This way, sales productivity will likely increase and once deals are in the making, you can track the entire interaction and emails in one place to fasten the process. Moreover, your sales conversions will increase when the sales team is focusing on communicating with mature leads. Once deals are closed, Salesforce will send the revenue generated to the HubSpot CRM in order to present an insight into the effectiveness of your marketing and sales tools.

Better Lead and Marketing Intelligence

Without lead intelligence and analytics like the number of leads who have opened emails, click-through rates, visited your website, and forms received from leads for contacts or product queries, you cannot gauge how successful your inbound marketing campaign has been. With HubSpot Salesforce integration, you will receive these important lead information and insights, so your sales representative can focus on top leads and close more deals. Not only this but based on this lead intelligence, you can also segment data and focus on each customer’s journey one-on-one. When it comes to marketing campaigns, your customer’s behaviour can be tracked from your mobile across all media, so your email marketing improves. You would know what personalize an email to send based on their experience with your brand. All in all, engaging with both leads and converted long term customers should not be a hassle. At Techloyce, we make sure that our clients fully utilize HubSpot Salesforce integration for better productivity.